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Ryu intentionally didn't tell Yeji that he's coming back. he told Mr. Hwang and just found out that while he's away, he hired a bodyguard for her. he's a bit disappointed that Yeji haven't told him but he can understand. They didn't have much time contacting each other, anyway.

Entering the mansion, Ryu excitingly look for Yeji. He can hear some chatter from the kitchen. He knows that it's already dinner time. he thought that the maids are still busy preparing for it.

"I'm back... Yeji..." Ryu watched Seulgi and Yeji having fun cooking. His heart somehow broke apart. That should be him.

"oh! why didn't you tell me!" Yeji runs towards him, attacking him with a tight hug. "I could cook for you."

Ryu hugs her back, letting out a long sigh. He then looks at Seulgi who gave him a warm smile.

"this is Seulgi. My dad hired him." Yeji let go of him, taking his hand. "I'll set up the table for you. wait." Yeji guides him to sit down.

Ryu patiently waits for her. the more he looks at them, the more he feels small. Another problem for Ryu when it comes to liking someone.

"okay, thanks, Seul." Yeji smiles at him.

"alright. I'll be in my room." Seulgi smiles at both of them. "have a good night."

Yeji serves Ryu his portion happily. A smile never leaves her face while doing so. Ryu is pleased with her service. He can't stay mad at Yeji for long if she acts like this.

"I learned to cook so I can cook for you every day." Yeji smiles at him as she starts eating.

"but, I can teach you." Ryu defended. "besides, I didn't know that he'll be with you all day, staying here even."

"are you jealous?" Yeji chuckles, scrunching her nose. "I'm sorry I haven't told you. I didn't get the chance."

"forget it." Ryu starts eating. Of course, he enjoyed the food. But, knowing that Seulgi is the one that's helping her made it hurt with each spoon.

"are you really jealous?" Yeji starts to get worried. "I just thought that I can learn without interrupting your work. I know how much you like your work."

"yes but I can make time for you." Ryu looks up at her.

"when? We both are in our productive age and that made us have our priorities. Now you can feel how I felt when you go out with Karina and when you accidentally kiss Julia." Yeji sighs. Maybe her emotions are getting to her.

"I'm sorry. I can be better than this. I shouldn't act like that. he's your guard and that's it. I should know better that he works for you. he's there when I'm away. All day and night, when I couldn't. I'm really sorry." Ryu looks down.

"I didn't mean to." Yeji reached for his hand. "I think I'm on my period." Yeji furrowed her eyebrows, thinking to herself. "so you will stay the night?"

"of course."


Yeji gets woken up by rustling sound beside her. she opens her eyes, seeing Ryu playing with his phone.

"aren't you tired?" Yeji snuggled on his neck.

"I'm used to waking up early." Ryu replied, not looking at her.

"shit! Seulgi is supposed to go today." Yeji immediately gets up from her bed. "his contract ended when you came back."

"right." Ryu flatly said. He then sets his phone aside. He just sits up on the bed, looking at Yeji who's tidying her hair and shirt. "what was that for?"

"what?" Yeji turns to look at him. "let's go."

Ryu sighs, following the girl outside.

"Seulgi!" Yeji called out to him, running down the stairs. "you should wake me up."

Ryu approached them, standing beside Yeji.

"well, my work is done. I don't wanna disturb your night with him." Seulgi smiles then looks at Ryu. "it's my pleasure to look out for her while you're away, sir. She's an incredible woman."

"I appreciate your service." Ryu gave him the smallest smile. "have a safe ride."

"thank you."

With that, Seulgi left. Ryu goes to the kitchen to make a coffee. Lazily stirring his cup, an arm snaked around his waist from behind.

"I wanna live with you." Yeji rests her head on his back. "we can't, can we? Not now."

Ryu turns around, making Yeji lets him go.

"you want some coffee?" Ryu smiles at her.

There he goes, with his irreplaceable smile that she missed. She'll never get used to the charm.

Yeji quickly tiptoes and steal a kiss from him. she can't help it. She can see his tomato face now. he looks cute and dumbfounded.

"sorry." Yeji covered her mouth.

Ryu lowers her hand gently. He leans in and returns the kiss that she stole. He goes slow with it, taking his time.

"I should've done that sooner." Ryu smiles at her. her face is as red as his. "now we're equal."

"I think I'm gonna go shower." Yeji turns around and runs upstairs.

Ryu chuckles at her demeanour. He walks towards the living room to watch some TV. Looking at the interviews he found while surfing the channel, he remembers his own. The thought of Yeji finding out makes him worried. He stops at a random channel and just watch it while enjoying his coffee.

"your turn." Yeji stands in front of the TV. "go shower. We're going out."

"where?" Ryu turns off the TV. He stands up, walking towards Yeji. He's feeling all romantic all of the sudden, so, he leaned down to just hug the girl.

"I don't know. we can just go around the city." Yeji hugs him back.

"can we just stay?"

"then, you can take a shower." Yeji pushed him gently.


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