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Ryu is on his way to his next photoshoot. Today is also the day of the prom night. Since the day that Yuna got drunk with Kai, Ryu constantly monitors her through his new driver and maids.

"how's the new driver, sir?" Wonpil asked him.

"Han is okay." Ryu replied. "can you estimated what time are we gonna finish?"

"I think it'll be around eight. If they didn't ask for too much take we can make it before that." Wonpil informed. "did you bring your suit for prom by any chance?"

"no. it's okay if we can't make it." Ryu looks outside the window.

"okay, sir."


The prom already starts accordingly. The principal gave a speech, the students are hyped about the event, and everyone is having fun. Yeji and Chaeryeong aren't an exception. They both, mostly Yeji, are checking out boys and girls that looks gorgeous tonight.

"look. At. Him. oh my god." Yeji points at a guy. "and that too." then another one.

"I know, I know." Chaeryeong looks around. "oh god." she's stuck at one person.

"what? Who? Where?" Yeji's eyes roam around the room. she then found who's Chaeryeong been looking at. "I told you Jeong is handsome. His personality is a bit off for me, though." Yeji chuckles.

"good evening, pretty ladies

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"good evening, pretty ladies." Jeong approaches them with a confident smile. He then take Chaeryeong's hand kissing it softly.

"oh, stop." Chaeryeong rolled her eyes.

"I'm quite charming, don't you think?" Jeong sits beside Chaeryeong, leaning a little towards her with his fist supporting his chin.

"you have a big mouth." Chaeryeong squints her eyes, looking at him.

"you wonder what this mouth can do?" Jeong smirks.

"guys please. this isn't a bar." Yeji nudges her arm. Even though the lightings are minimal, they can still see each other pretty well.

"anyway..." Jeong turns to look at Yeji. "guess he won't come." He said referring to Ryu.

Yeji looks at the time, it's almost eight. She sighs, looking down. she's still waiting and hoping for him though.

"oh my god! he's is here!"

A female student exclaimed, followed by the other students. They all make ways for Ryu who walks in elegantly. It somehow looks like his own runaway on a red carpet. Everyone is looking at him with their jaw dropped. He looks around casually since he's used to the attention. Wearing a simple suit is enough to show off his charm.

 Wearing a simple suit is enough to show off his charm

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Yeji looks up. her eyes lights up as soon as she saw him. her heart flutters, getting nervous when Ryu walk towards their table. He smiles at them a little as a greeting.

"smash." Jeong smirks at Ryu, giving him a fist bump. "thought you didn't come."

"glad I still can make it. Not a fan of being late." Ryu looks back and still see some students looking at him.

"back from schedule?" Chaeryeong asked.

"yeah." Ryu loosen up his tie a little. "any announcement?"

"not that important. We can just eat and drink anything." Jeong boringly said.

"oh. okay." Ryu looks at Yeji. Of course, she's already looking at him.

"need a drink? You must be tired." A girl shows up beside him, offering him a drink. "here. Enjoy the night." She quickly put the drink in front of him and walks away shyly.

Ryu's focus got disturbed by the random girl. he drinks it anyway. His gaze turns back to Yeji. Not gonna lie, she looks pretty tonight.


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"hey." He said.

Yeji just gives him a nervous smile. Ryu never saw Yeji this flustered. She's usually just be cheerful and bright no matter how nervous she is.

"why are you acting like this?" Chaeryeong playfully slaps Yeji's arm. "we all know he's handsome."

"oh, thank you."

"alright, before things gets awkward..." Jeong stands up, extending his arm towards Chaeryeong. "shall we dance?"

She gladly accepts his invitation and they both joins the other students on the dance floor.

"I'm guessing you wanna dance too?" Ryu somehow reads her mind.

"I have no partner, so..." Yeji looks at him.

"let's go." Ryu stands up, also extending his hand for her to take.

Taking his hand, Yeji follows him to through the crowd. Ryu turns his body, facing the girl.

"may I?" Ryu hovers his hands above her waist. Yeji gives him a slight nod, not breaking eye contact. Ryu smiles a little.

Despite the upbeat music, they both moves so slow, adjusting their body to their own beat. His hands on his waist, hers around his neck. Looking into each other's eyes, seems like they got lost in each other's gaze.

"you look pretty tonight." Ryu breaks the tension, guiding Yeji to follow his pace.

"it might be to cliché if I say you're also handsome." Yeji looks into his eyes.

Their body is technically flushed. People around them starts to stare but still doing their own thing. Regardless, Ryu and Yeji are already drawn into each other. Ryu moves his hand up and guide Yeji to twirl around, quickly catching her again once she face him. Yeji let out a giggle. She feels a little funny with Ryu's action.

"I hope this can return your time... taking care of me back then." Ryu finally speaks up.

"huh...? I thought you really wanna dance with me." Yeji sulks, slapping his chest lightly.

"sorry." Ryu smiles a little.

"it's fine." Yeji lowers her arms, snaking into Ryu's back. she then rests her head on Ryu's chest. "I like dancing with you."

Ryu is a bit taken aback. Yeji always acts spontaneously but Ryu never seem to get used to it. He's a little pressured because he's aware that almost everyone is looking at them.

After a few minutes staying in that position, the music turns into a slow one. The students starts to scatter around the ballroom, drinking, eating, chatting, and other social things. that goes the same for Ryu and Yeji. Going to their previous table, Chaeryeong and Jeong are already chatting while enjoying the drinks.

"I see you guys enjoying the night." Jeong wiggles his eyebrows.

"well, at least I have fun." Yeji shrugs. She's no longer nervous and feel relieved instead. All that she can do is mask all of her excitement.

"what's fun in dancing romantically when the music sounds like..." Jeong starts beatboxing out of nowhere with his hands pumping in the air.

"you're embarrassing." Chaeryeong grabs his hand and lowering it down.

"you guys wouldn't get it." 

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