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Ryu made it safely to his penthouse. He drove by himself. He didn't know what comes to his head that he decided to check on Yeji's social. Scrolling down, he looks at some of her recent pictures.

"I guess you're doing fine, now." Ryu smiles at his phone. "I'm really sorry."

Meanwhile, Yeji is on her bed doing the same thing. She notice that Ryu often hang out with his actor friends. Not that she's jealous but she wants to be there too with him.

"are you really doing fine?" Yeji turns to sleep on her side. "I'm sorry, Ryu."


Another week has passed. Ryu is preparing himself for his movie premiere. He checks himself one more time in the mirror on his office at his agency.

"sir, miss Kim is ready." Wonpil informed him.

"oh, okay. she's at the lobby, right?" Ryu walks towards him then walks side by side with him.

"yes. The reporters are quite intense." Wonpil added.

"it's fine. There are guards, right?"

Soon, the two arrived. Ryu can see Jennie waiting on the lounge area. Indeed, he can see reporters outside the building. Well, this is familiar, he thought.

"this way, sir." One of the guards guides him and Jennie to go out.

After a short greet at the reporters, they're on their way to the theatre.

"what's with the glasses?" Ryu aske since Jennie is wearing her sunglasses.

"I had schedules. I couldn't sleep. my eyes are puffy." Jennie lowers her glasses.

"it's not that bad." Ryu leans a little to get a better look. "are you gonna wear that inside the studio?"

"of course not!" Jennie slaps his arm lightly. "It'll be gone. I hope so."

Ryu just stifles a laugh.

"they're expecting us to act like a couple. did you hear the reporters?" Jennie asked.

"what? The fans shipped us and I think that's normal." Ryu cleared his throat.

"are you nervous?" Jennie teased him. "I've been through these things and believe me, you'll have a different partner for the next movie you're on." She chuckles.

"so I don't need to worry, then."


The premiere goes as planned. Not only Ryu, Eunseo and few other actors bring their partner. Well, actual partner.

"great to see you! I see you guys have been hanging out lately. How does it feel to work together especially this is your acting debut." A reporter stopped them. This is normal for these kinds of events.

"it was exciting, absolutely. He's a great actor for his first time." Jennie replied.

"yeah, it was fun. A bit of pressure but I really enjoyed working with her, also with the other casts as well." Ryu smiles at the reporter.

"alright. Thank you so much."

With that, they continued their way to greet the other reporters and paparazzi.

"hi Ryu and Jennie! You both look gorgeous. Did you plan to have this matching outfit for today?"

"no. we actually don't." Jennie once again replied first. "I'm surprised that we matched today."

Ryu just smiles at the reporter. He played along with whatever Jennie was saying. It's pretty clear that they planned the outfit.


The two finally got back to Ryu's agency for another schedule with the other casts. They're at the studio now. again, they have an interview just for both of them.

"you have to give a little fan service to your fans." Jennie started. "I guess you're not used to it."

"I tend to be honest at work." Ryu smiles a little.

"hi! Nice to meet you." a man walks in, supposedly the interviewer. "I was told that we have limited time so we're gonna start real quick."

"oh, no problem. We can start now."


Yeji just got back from watching Ryu's new movie. She quickly change to her sleepwear and plops down on her bed. Ryu's new interview just came out. Yeji thinks that it wouldn't hurt to watch it.

"so, based on your experience working with her, do you plan on working together again?"

"If we had the chance then we might. I see no problem in that." Ryu replied.

"that's good to hear! I'm looking forward to it. Next question. Do you have any method to build up that chemistry? Especially you have to be intimate with someone you just met."

"of course there was some difficulties at first but we helped each other to be comfortable towards each other." Jennie replied.

"she's great at adapting. So, I also can adapt faster." Ryu added

"it was a secret method." Jennie chimed in with a teasing manner.

Yeji sighs. Just by looking at them, Yeji feels hopeless. She drops her phone then looks up at the ceiling. There's nothing she can do right now. she's already thinking of moving away with her parents and just monitor everything from afar. She knows that she can't really move on from him if she continues to have access to see his face.

"Yeji..." her mother peeks into her room. "your stuff will be moved in two days. Your assistant already hired a mover like you requested." She then walks in, seeing her daughter's sorrowful face. "are you okay?"

"what should I do?" Yeji sits up.

Yejin goes to sit beside her. she pulls Yeji into a hug and let her rest her head on her chest.

"is this about Ryu?" she asked.

"I shouldn't have accepted Jake. I'm too selfish." Yeji let out some tears on her mother's shirt. "I want him back."

"I'm sorry, dear." Yejin sighs. She too feel a little guilty to have forced her daughter.

"can I just come with you? I can't bear to stay here any longer." Yeji looks up a her, pleading.

"you have lot to take care of, Yeji. You can focus on that instead."

"I can't." Yeji plops back to her bed.

"why don't you talk to him, then?" Yejin caressed her head.

"I don't think he wants to talk to me."

"are you gonna give up?" Yejin purses her lips, feeling sorry for the girl.

"I think I should say goodbye to him."

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