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Arriving at the building, they're greeted by a red carpet and a lot of reporters, like the usual.

Ryu and Yeji walks out of car. The cameras' flash immediately attacking them rapidly along the way. The two just smile and wave to them as they walk on the carpet, on the way to the building.

"so what's your plan?" Yeji whispered.

"enjoy the show." Ryu smiles at her. "we'll meet a lot of my friends. Maybe you know some of them."

Yeji follows him around the ballroom. Walking beside him while he greets his acquaintance. Sure, Yeji will fit in. this is easy for her.

Ryu actually noticed how Yeji act. She can be so professional that her aura somehow changed. It's rare for Ryu to see this. he then wraps his hand around his waist.

Yeji looks up at him smiling.

"that's Eunseo and Irene. You know them, right?" Ryu asked. He then noticed that they're walking towards them.

"from the TV, yes." Yeji replied.

"finally you travel with a gal. who's she?" Eunseo teased. "brought my wife, here."

"good to see you again, Ryu." Irene smiles at him.

"again?" Yeji speaks her mind out loud. She looks at Ryu.

"oh, I used to work with her." Ryu rubs her back softly. "anyone else here?"

"yea, I saw Yujin and Karina. Jeon Heejin. You know her, right?" Eunseo paused, thinking. "there are others with Jennie over there as well."

"ah, I see."

"from what I see, you must've gone public."

"I won't make any statement."

"you don't need to. You'll be on headlined by the end of the night, pal." Eunseo chuckles. "

After some talk with Eunseo and Irene, Ryu and Yeji continues to walk around.

"Shin Ryujin." A husky sultry voice called him.

Yeji is the first to turn her head, followed by Ryu himself.

"you're finally taken."

"looks like I am, Heejin." Ryu smiles a little. "this is Yeji."

"oh, I know." Heejin flips her hair lightly. "well, I guess I can't have you tonight. enjoy your night, sweet boy." Heejin smirks and winks at him. she then walks away.

Ryu cleared his dried throat. Yeji noticed his nervousness. 'okay, you're in a public place. Don't think about it.' Yeji thought to herself.

"okay, babe. Let's go." Yeji said, pressing a smile.


The night ended with a toast by the host. After that, the guests are free to hang out or just go home.

"do you wanna go or walk around a little bit?" Ryu asked, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"we can go now. these heels are killing me." Yeji whispered the last part.

"alright. I'm gonna call Wonpil."

While Ryu proceeds to call him, a man approached them.

"going home so soon?"

"oh my! Hyunjin!" Yeji spontaneously gave him a friendly hug. "I didn't see you earlier."

"well, I'm late." Hyunjin stifles a laugh.

Ryu focused on himself and let her chat a bit. He has no worries whatsoever.

"that's awesome. Don't forget to invite me." Hyunjin winked. "I think I'm gonna go. I have a girl to take care of."


The two arrived at their hotel. They start to clean up and change to prepare themselves to rest.

"your feet okay?" Ryu kneels in front of Yeji who's sitting on the bed. He noticed some redness around her ankles. "do you want to have a foot bath?"

"oh, yes please." Yeji sighs in relief.

"okay, wait a sec." Ryu walks towards the hotel phone. "want a massage as well?"


After he called, he kneels again in front of Yeji to simply massage her legs.

"Ryu..." Yeji just thought about something. "what's up with you and Heejin? She seems to know you that well."

"that... we had a drink once." Ryu looks up at her. "at her hotel." Ryu looks down.

"are you guys still in contact?" Yeji probably knows what happened after event.

"no. not at all." Ryu panicked a little even though he told the truth.

"do you mind telling me about her?" Yeji approached.

"I think I had sex with her. without me knowing." Ryu looks at her again. "I passed out. she... she choked me."

The two then heard the door bell rang. Ryu stands up and quickly opened the door.

"we're not done." Yeji glares at him.

"may I start, ma'am?" the masseur asked.

Now, they just need to wait until the service is done.

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