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Ryu kneels before a burial ground of his dear sister. He wipes away any remaining tears that's left on his cheek.

"look." Ryu held up a bouquet of flowers. "I graduated." Ryu chuckles as if he's still talking to her in person. "aren't you happy?"

Ryu stares at the wet dirt below him.

"I really want to take a picture with you. it's my graduation day. it's not fair." Ryu sighs. "well, then. this is for you." Ryu lowers the bouquet, placing it above the grave.

Ryu sits down, leaning on the tombstone. He spends some minutes, almost half an hour talking alone. With some cries and laughs, Ryu told her everything. From his job, school, and just something random that had already happened.

"I really hope I can see you grow up." Ryu pats her grave. "well, I guess that's it for today." Ryu stands up. "I'll go."

Ryu slowly turns around then just walks straight to his car.

"ready to go, sir?"



Yeji too, had already graduated, just a day earlier than Ryu, actually. she's now getting busy at the company.

"already coming back, huh?" Yeji stares at a news page about Ryu. "wow. You look even better."

"good afternoon!" someone knocks on the glass door.

"Hyunjin!" Yeji smiles brightly.

"you finally graduated." Hyunjin gave her a friendly hug.

"thanks!" Yeji accepts his bouquet.

"sorry couldn't come. Not that I had to." Hyunjin chuckles.

"it's fine." Yeji then allows him to sit. "how are you doing?"

"well... not much. Another girl came to my life and that's about it. I don't know how I can live like this." Hyunjin pressed a smile. "okay. It's about you, now. how's Ryu?"

"I'm sure you heard the news." Yeji sighs. "he's slowly coming back. sadly, I got caught up in my thesis and other college stuff so I can't see him that often anymore."

"that's unfortunate." Hyunjin nodded understandingly.

"thinking about it, I should visit him." Yeji rubs her chin. "wanna come along?"

"I'm afraid I can't. you know... work."

"ah, of course." Yeji smiles at him. "thank you for coming."

"my pleasure."


Same day that evening, Yeji got dropped off at Ryu's mansion. She gets in and wait for him in the lounge area upstairs. a maid told her that Ryu is still sleeping since he got back from his first schedule this afternoon.

"hey." Ryu noticed her then approached her. he walks slowly towards her, yawning and scratching his head. clearly he's fresh out of the bed.

"I've been here for two hours." Yeji lied, joking around. She stands up and pouts at him.

"oh really?" his eyes shuts open. "I'm gonna take a shower."

"no, wait. I'm kidding." Yeji held him back. "congrats on graduating." Yeji held up a baby blue box.

"thank you." Ryu smiles a little. "you too, just graduated yesterday, right? sorry I can't give you anything."

"it's okay. At least I get to see you, now." Yeji smiles back. "you can go now. I'll take you out."

"oh. what for?" Ryu tilts his head.

"no questions. Go." Yeji pushed him back to his room.

Yeji waits for some minutes. Then, Ryu comes out of the room with his casual clothes. She heard him came out and quickly stands up. she walks towards him excitingly.

"are you in the mood to drive?" Yeji smiles at him.

"um... sure?"

"okay! Let's go."

Yeji drags him downstairs. They both walks in to Ryu's garage.

"what's the one you wanna drive?" Yeji looks up at her.

Ryu never thought of this before. He only rode the one that's been prepared by Wonpil. He sometimes forgot that he has more than two.

"I haven't been able to drive most of them." Ryu said unsure.

"just choose!" Yeji encourage him.

Well, with lots of thoughts from Ryu, he finally chose a car.

"where are we going?" Ryu asked while driving out his mansion area.

"I don't know. actually, I just made up everything." Yeji giggles.

Ryu sighs. Yeji has always something up her sleeves and Ryu got used to it. So he just decided to just drive anywhere he likes.

"do you have a place that you wanna visit?" Ryu starts to get bored after almost half an hour driving.

"I haven't visit Yuna again. Can we go there?"

Instead of answering, Ryu gladly take her there. When they arrived, Yeji squatted beside the grave. Knowing that Ryu talks with her, Yeji think she could too, follow him.

"hi, Yuna. How's up there?" Yeji then looks up at Ryu with a smile. Ryu does the same. "your brother is doing great! Of course, you know that."

Ryu looks at her, sighing in relieve. Though, he hopes that this interaction can really happen.

"I kinda wish that I can share some things with you. you know a lot of things about me and how I really adore your brother. so..." Yeji stands up. "I'm gonna ask your permission to be with him."

Ryu looks at her. 'did she really just say that?', he thought.

"well, it's up to him still." Yeji chuckles.

"you're funny." Ryu scoffed. "anything else to say?"

"do you?" Yeji looks at him.

Ryu's turn to kneel. For the second time today, he's about to pour his heart out on the silent burial ground.

"I know that you'll always support me." Ryu lowers his voice, hoping Yeji can't hear him. "I promise that I won't be dying alone like you said. She's been with me for years and I still didn't realize that she's probably one of the people that stay even in my worst times until now. After you, of course." Ryu sighs. "if we're meant to be, then, let it be that way. I'll admit to you that I like her."

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