The Game is Over

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Thank you!

Thank you for giving AGWK a chance! Thank you for being with Rad and Ammy until the end. I have mentioned that this is the first story I've written after a huge challenge with writing, but you still gave it a chance. I am beyond grateful.

I dedicate this story to the restless souls who feels like they are running out of time. I hope you got a little rest from this story. To all the dreamers who are being challenged by the games of kismet, may you never stop playing until everything—both your loses and victories—make sense at the end.

I hope you'll be more gentle with yourself. It's okay to lose and feel tired. It's okay to pause and rest. It's okay to work hard for the future, but don't forget to live at the present. It's normal to feel a little worried about what the next page holds, but appreciate the current chapter you are in.

I know sometimes, it's hard to keep up with the world. It's always moving, even the sun, the clouds, the trees, the buses, and the people. But you don't have to keep up with their pace. You have your own journey to work with. You can run, yes. But you can also walk as slow as you need, as long as you can.

Hindi ka habang buhay talo—hindi ka talo. You already won for trying.

One day, everything will make sense. You'll understand why some things didn't work as planned. You'll see that games aren't just about winning, it's about how you played and what you learned from it. It's not about just the end result. Often, it's about what you felt when you played or who you played it with.

I can't wait to see you winning in life, little warrior! I'm sure you'll make it.

Until the next game, Elixirs!


A Game with Kismet | Suarez IITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon