21 : The uneasy feeling

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Under the care of everyone around her, Helena got better in no time. The princesses, too, went silent. Anita paid all her debt from the money she received from Riftan. Her family was set free. She didn't have to worry about anything anymore. But there was one thing that seemed strange. Nobody knows about it. Even Riftan. All the money she saved to pay the debt before Riftan did, she didn't spend it again. She kept saving the money. Even the money Riftan gave her to buy anything she likes from time to time, she didn't spend a single penny.

It's been a month since what happened. Helena has moved on from what the princesses said and lived her every day with grace like she always did. But she was yet to find out neither did catch a glimpse of the affair between Riftan and Anita. The two were pretty amazing at sneaking behind her back. Especially Anita. She was smart with her words and actions since she faced a lot of hardship in the slavery days. She needed to lie, to steal, to do anything it took to survive.. and the talent stood firm in her head. It was a piece of cake for her just to sneak and trick other people to see Riftan.

The mansion was another level of huge. The study where Riftan works every day wasn't in the main mansion that they got bedrooms there. It was like another building that connected to the main one. So it was quite an advantage for Anita to see him in his working hours in secret.

Behind the desk, on top of the man's laps, with her shirt unbuttoned and half opened, the two breasts covered in love marks were naked under the daylight. Her skirt rolled up to her hips while her legs spreaded, she sat facing her back to him, the man's thick fingers were inside her.


She trembled when he thrusted his three fingers in while rubbing her clitoris with his thumb. His palm was soaked by her fluid.

"Are you coming?" Asked the lips behind her ears.

"Your grace.. it's enough. Hugh.."

"No, you don't look satisfied?"

"Hugh… ha.. hgngh!"

His fingers thrusted in faster when she bit her lips trying to avoid her second climax. He has been doing this for a whole damn twenty minutes already like he was trying to dry her out.

"Please… Riftan… hugh"

"Please what?"

"Put it inside me.. hugh."

"Try begging harder."

He pulled his fingers out and made her stood up while her legs were shaking. He held eyes contact with the woman and rubbed himself up and down.

"Ha.. Now. Beg. My lovely Anita.. you know how to do it."

Anita went on her knees, her face was between his legs, in front of his aroused manhood. She took his hand that was moving up and down off from the veiny thing and licked his pre-semen while holding eyes contact with him. Riftan let out an excited laugh.

"Please put it in me.. Riftan… This.."

She kissed it.

"Since you wanted it so much, sit on me and ride it yourself."

Anita stood tall before she did what she was told slowly.


"You're tight." He kissed her wet cheek.

"That's because your grace is too big.."

"Do you hate it?" He bit her nose lightly.

"Why did you even have to ask?" She pouted before they fully connected.

"Well, you complain."


The sun has risen high up in the sky. Another day passed by in a blink of eyes. Helena and Riftan had breakfast together as usual. And before she left to the garden for a picnic with her maid, Anita, Helena kissed his cheeks.

It was a bright day but it wasn't hot either. Helena walked with an umbrella and two novel books while Anita got a basket full of snacks, deserts, fruits and drinks.

Anita set the place under a tall tree, then both of them sat down. They chatted about random things for a while, Anita took a book, opened it and started reading.

"How many chapters have you finished?"

Helena leaned over her shoulder with a smile on her face.

"I'm at chapter 7, milady."

"Really? How fast? We just started yesterday. Don't read so fast, you're gonna leave me out."

Anita laughed.

"Milady, please start reading your book. I shall leave you out if you keep peeking on mine instead of yours."

"You're so petty." Helena pouted.

But before she could turn away and grab her book, a similar smell lingeried around her nose. It wasn't a heavy smell. More of a fading smell. She tried to look around finding where the smell was coming from but when she turned away from Anita's neck, the smell disappeared. When she put her face near Anita's shoulder, the fading smell appeared around her nose. Because the smell was so faint, she couldn't specific that it really was the same one.

An easiness ran through her heart even she wasn't able to catch on with her intuition yet.
The faint smell smelled just like the shampoo Riftan used when he bathed but the smell on him was strong, she could even smell it from twenty steps afar from him. He always smelled like this every time when he went out from the morning bath or go to sleep next to her. The only time he didn't smell like this was when he put his perfume on.

She turned around with an uneasy and confused expression, she took the book, then both of them sat there reading in silent.

P.s: hello. I'm not going to reply any more comments guys x’) because the more I reply the more I likely end up spoiling the whole thing ☠️ but I do read your comments, I just need to shut myself up 😂😂!  
However, if I keep randomly write two chapters per day like this, it will end in no time TT. I do want to drag thing a little longer actually but here we are 😂.
Have a nice day everyone huhu.

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