23 : Fallen heart

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"You don't have to come tonight. I'm going to Helena."

Riftan said to the woman who stood in the library opening random books. Anita turned to him.

"Yes, your grace."

And so the night had come. On the king size bed, Riftan was laying with his head on Helena's thighs. She was reading a romance book while he was playing with her hair. Even though she was reading, her mind stuck with the nail marks on his neck. He visited the imperial palace in the morning… Was it done by the princesses? Anxiety ran from her stomach to her heart. She looked at the man again and again before she decided to ask in hesitation.

"Riftan... have you met the princesses...?"

"No, they aren't even involved with politics, unless I go to their palace, then there's no way we'd meet."


She went quiet because the princesses were the only women she could think of. Anita was totally the least woman to come into the pictures Helena suspected could be.

"I won't see them."
Riftan looked up to his wife. Helena smiled and leaned over to kiss his forehead.

"I didn't ask with a thought like that."

"And I just want to tell you, wife."

Helena caressed his hair.
"Let's go to sleep."

"Okay. Come here."
Riftan opened his arms wide for Helena and she didn't hesitate to hand her body into his arms. With him laying with his back supported by the bedhead, Helena put her head on the same firm chest Anita did, in secret, without her acknowledgement.

"I love you, Riftan."

Riftan caressed her soft cheek. Without even felt guilty, he replied.

"I love you, too."


She got up and pecked a small kiss on his lips but Riftan's fast hand held her neck firmly and swallowed the small lips before she even could pull her face back.

Helena wrapped her hands around his neck.
Her hug made it look like she was giving him all of her.
Heart. Body.
Everything belongs to him.
She gave all that she got to the man who cherishes her the most.

Her nightgown fell down from her body slowly as his hand traced around from her shoulder to her hips. The elegant body trembled a little when he ran his tongue on her smooth neckline.

"The light… Riftan.."
The embarrassed Helena whispered but Riftan shook his head rejecting her suggestion.

"It's not like we never see each other without clothes on before."

Helena covered her face. Her ears turned red.

"Why are you like this..."

"What am I like? Hm?" He bit her chin lightly.

Helena stopped responding to the husband who enjoyed teasing her. She hugged his neck and kissed him before he put her half naked body onto bed with his large body on top.


A new day has come and the happy Helena spent the whole day with her husband. He only left her side in the evening to review some reports and sign it.

When the night came, Anita was still around in Helena's room preparing her bath and helped her dry her hair. She then left when there was nothing for her to do anymore. Helena, too, went to sleep without a worry.

And just like the other day.. When everybody fell asleep, a shadow fled into the Grand Duke's room.

She hugged the man from behind before he turned around to kiss her. His fingers unbuttoned her dress. The attractive body showed up naked in the air when the dress fell off.

Moved themselves to the wall while smacking each other's lips. Her back touched the cold wall. He flicked her chest while his teeth were biting on her flesh. Ran his hand all over her body, there wasn't a place he hadn't been there. He rubbed the wet entrance between her legs.
He gave her a hand service until he started devouring her whole. Riftan thrusted violently into the woman who moaned in pleasure without a care in the world. One of her legs was lifted up to his hips. He fucked her in his whole pajama on while she was naked.
They connected their lips and sucked each other deliciously. Anita moaned in her mouth. The deep pounding shook all her senses to the damn floor. She took him without a problem. Her breasts shook up and down due to his violent thrusts. Her vagina sucked him in so hard. Her inside wall was twitching asking for more.

Without thinking of anything else other than the steamy affair they were having, the 2.5m doors weren't properly closed...
No... It was more like someone had opened it slightly..

"Hugh… uh..! Riftan..!"


"Ahh..! Hugh! Hgngh!"

The fragile figure took a few steps back slowly before its owner even knew it. Her mouth opened itself lightly as if she didn't want to believe her eyes. Her hands started shaking. A look of disbelief, shock, terrify, and the unexplainable pain displayed on her face.
Helena turned to the maid who stood from afar looking at her in pity, her pupils shaking in pain.

Before she even knew it, tears left her eyes in an instant. Her chest hurt like someone was squeezing it. She could feel her legs given out. The scene kept replaying before her eyes just like the moan that woman let out from her mouth.


She fell on the very cold floor, Helena covered her mouth shut and cried with her heart breaking. The shocking, the disbelief, the feeling of being terrified, everything... everything hurt like crazy..

Her chest pounded harder and the more it pounded the more it hurt..
The happiness she felt just an hour ago shattered into pieces like a mirror was thrown on by a rock. She was afraid that they would hear her voice and came out here… she wasn't ready to face them right at this moment, with her body ran out of energy and face overflowed with tears... To face her own husband coming out with another woman from his room...

How she wished it was an illusion..
How she wished her eyes lied to her..
How she wished this was just a dream...
How she wished the maid who led her here… was just lying to her..

She wished everything wasn't true at all.

But the way he held her was too real for helena to deny the truth…
The sound of their bodies hitting each other.. it kept ringing in her ears..
The moaning..
The kiss…
He used the same hand that ran through her skin… the same lips that caressed hers… to pleasure another woman…

"... please take me to my room.. please.. please.."

She tried to call for the maid in a voice as low as she could. It sounded as if she was begging for her last breathe. The maid ran to Helena.


She covered her face, trying to stop the tears that kept coming out like crazy. Helena grabbed the shirt on her chest before she felt her broken heart breaking once again..

"Why…? she's like a sister to me…"

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