33 : Timeskip (2)

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"Are you sure you want the divorce, lady Helena?"
Chester, the highest priest of the goddess's temple asked for the last time.

At the temple, in front of the goddess's statue, Riftan and Helena stood before each other while her parents looked at both of them with sadness from afar. In the Duchess's hand, there goes Luciano, the little born baby who slept like a log.

"Yes. I am sure."
Helena answered. She avoided looking directly at Riftan in fear that her heart would soften for him again.
Riftan stood still. Chester couldn't help but sighed. It wasn't fair for Riftan. The fact that he didn't mean to sleep with the woman. Moreover, noblemen having another woman other than their wives wasn't treated like a big deal. Still, she insisted on divorcing him. And to think divorce happened just one day before Riftan and him leaving for the battlefield... Chester couldn't imagine how distracted Riftan would be facing the enemy.

Chester handed a paper, Helena took the ink and signed it. Riftan looked at her signature silently before he signed the paper also.

"The divorce has been finished since both parties have signed their signature on this sacred paper. But there's a few things I'd like to make clear. Starting from now on, Lady Helena will go back to her former last name, Helena Lancia. She will have nothing to do with Christensen anymore and she will remarry if she wishes so."


"Grand Duke, do you wish to keep the child? You have the right since you got wealth more than the lady's family."

"Let the lady keep the child for the time being.. We have a war to deal with, I can't stay with him anyway."

Chester nodded.

"However, the child between them will keep the Grand Duke's last name which is Luciano Christensen. After Lady Lancia leaves, she can't forbid the child from seeing his father, can't secretly use any tricks to separate them from meeting each other or else, the Lady will be punished by the temple. That's against our rules. To add, the child has the right to decide which parents he wants to live with when he reaches the age of 14. Lastly, the Grand Duke can make the child his successor if he wishes to, since in case the Lady remarry, no man will want to make a child with the blood of another man their successor. Do you both agree to this?"
Chester asked as if one of them could object to anything. It was a question for display.

"Yes, I agreed."


"Is he okay?"
Asked the emperor. He had just dealt with the lady who got the newly became daddy divorced. The 3 of them looking at the man who closed his eyes on the coach.

"I just hope he's not distracted on the battlefield." Chester.

"I can't believe he's being divorced by her just because of that. Haha. Why is it a big deal that he slept with someone? He could have as many mistresses as he likes."
Ronan ridiculous what he has just witnessed. Chester shook his head slowly.

"Even though you can take women in as you please, the 1st wife should be alerted first."

"Good for Helena she married Riftan. If it's any other noblemen, they would cheat and disrespect her to the extent despite her lacking in physical ability to fulfill her duty as a wife. They wouldn't let her go this easily like he did."

"Ronan, people are different. She just wanted a life where her spouse is faithful to her. Not every woman would be okay with their husbands embracing other women." Said Chester.

"Well, what did she expect? It's reality. She would have faced far worse with other noblemen... but hmmm... I doubt anyone other than Riftan wants to marry her."

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