29 : Pregnancy

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"Don't say things like that…" even her ears turned red from his ways of speaking.

"Okay. I won't say anything like that anymore but I need a bribe."

"What are you…"

"Add another hour or I will keep saying dirty words."


Riftan spread her legs then touched her lightly. Helena closed her mouth tight trying not to feel his touch so much.

"Let go of me… what are you doing in the carriage… ahh…"

"But this place said otherwise.. it's throbbing asking me for more." He whispered in her ears.

"No. It's embarrassing, stop."

"Are you sure you want to stop? Hmm?"

Helena gasped when he rubbed her wetness faster. She tried to avoid the pleasure but like any other thing that he was professional at, his fingers were also professional at making her body tremble.

"Riftan… it's embarrassing… hugh.."

She looked at him, her eyes were red like she was about to cry from shame but it made him want to tease her even more. His fingers found his way under her underwear and started rubbing it again without taking the underwear off. She bent her back, covered her mouth in shame, if she leaked out a sound, one thing for sure, the carriage driver would hear them.

"You're leaking so much… my hand started to soak."

"I told… hugh.. not to speak like that.. ha!"

"You didn't bribe me."

"What bribe… I can't stay that long with you.."

"Let me sleep with you then. Sleep on your bed until morning."

"Riftan… you're playing dirty… hngh!"

"I love you. Really."
He kissed her wet cheeks before he decided to pull her underwear off. Helena jumped, she tried to stop his hand but it was already gone.

"What are you doing…"

"Pleasing you."

"...we will reach the mansion.."

"I will tell him to drive around the city for a while. What do you think?" He asked in a low voice.

"No… please… let's go home."
Helena hugged his neck tight. Riftan kissed her hair. He put her underwear in his pocket and hugged her back.


"Wait… uhmmm.."

Before she even knew it, her dress fell off her body. Riftan put her to bed, his lips smacking hers. He ran his hands on her smooth thighs before it rolled over her bottom part.


"Ha… Helena."
He bit her soft skin and sucked on it. When he lifted his face, a red mark left its body on her white skin.
He looked at her like she was the best treasure he had before he placed his lips on her forehead.

"Can I do it or not? Tell me. I will stop if you don't want to. I will just sleep here besides you.." he ran his lips on her face.

Helena stayed quiet for a while receiving his gentle kisses.

"I don't know…"
She responded in a really low tone that Riftan wouldn't be able to hear it if his face wasn't so close to hers.

"Just say yes or no, wife. I take back what I said in the carriage… I will leave if you want me to. I won't bother you. Don't pressure yourself."

Her hands automatically held his body down to hers even before she could react to his words.
"I don't know… just stay here.."

Riftan touched her cheek tenderly.
"What else do you want me to do? Tell me."

Helena tucked her head into his warm chest while Riftan pulled the blanket to cover her naked body.
"Just… just sleep here."


He kissed her head then pulled her close until their flesh met each other.
"Let's go to sleep."

"But… why am I the one naked…"

"Do you want me to strip too?"


Riftan got up and took off his shirt. Helena closed her eyes in disbelief. What was he even doing? They were both gonna sleep naked without doing anything? He laid back down and hugged her tight.

"Now I'm naked, too. We're fair."


He cuddled her in his wide arms. Helena looked at the ceilings for minutes trying to figure out what happened in a blink of eyes. Did he really fall asleep? She turned to look at his handsome face, her mouth opened slidely. He really fell asleep.

When the morning came, Helena, who was still in need of a health check, met the doctor. He put his fingers on her wrist lightly as if he was listening to something after he had checked her temperature. The doctor opened his eyes wide and said in surprise.

"Oh… your grace, the Duchess... you're pregnant."

Helena gasped, not knowing what to say. However, Riftan who sat on a sofa asked instantly as if he was in confusion.

"What do you mean she's pregnant?"

Both Helena and the doctor turned to look at him.

"The Duchess is really pregnant. I can test it again, your grace. It should have been a month already."

"Does that mean the pills don't work?"

"What pills are you talking about…?"

"Birth control pills." Riftan responded without hesitation then finished his statement.
"I never missed once."

Helena froze.
"Why did you take it…?"

"Why? Because I don't want you to give birth, Helena."
He looked at her then looked at the doctor who sat still in awkwardness.

"Can we still abort it?"

"Riftan… what are you sa—"

"Don't give birth. Just abort it. Your body isn't in a good condition to give birth. You don't have to take the risk. I don't care about the kid or whatsoever. We can just adopt one."

"There are medicines that will help her grace's health improve though.. your grace."

"Can you guarantee that she will be safe 100%?"
Riftan looked at the doctor with a serious expression.

The doctor couldn't respond as the medicine would not always work. Riftan sighed. He knew what the answer would be.

"Just find a way for her to abort it without facing too much pain."

Helena called for him in a low voice. She looked anxious but she didn't want to abort the child… she wanted to keep it.

"Don't look at me like that. I refuse to listen to anything you have to say so just give up."

He looked away. His chest pounded uncomfortably with the fact that she's pregnant.

"Who the hell would want their unwell wife to give birth? I opposed it. Let's get rid of it."

He felt anger rise in his heart. He took birth control for nothing then. Other than it didn't stop her from getting pregnant, Helena would have to get hurt while doing the abortion without exceptions.

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