26 : Assassination attempt

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"You can leave now. The money is there in your room."
The butler said after he untied Anita.
"Please take good care of yourself. Don't be surprised with the amount of money, the Grand Duke gave you more in case you encounter difficulty in finding a new place." 

Anita kept her bruised face down. Without a word back to the butler, she got up and hardly took any steps. The butler looked at the woman who walked away, somehow she looked sorrowful for someone who started the fire. But he then remembered something.

"Oh… actually, the Grand Duke got something to say to you. Please wait for a while."

He said so but Anita didn't reply again. She went out in silence.

When Riftan got home from the imperial palace, he asked the butler about where she was then proceeded to go to her room. He actually wanted to ask about what she said to Helena that made her so upset that she raised her hand at someone. But when he pushed the door in, the grumpy room filled by silence, there was not even a breath sound was heard, Anita had left.

Riftan tried to search from the bathroom to her closet.
Everything was gone.
In the old wooden closet, all her clothes were nowhere to be found, only one thing laid itself alone there, it was the dress of Riftan's mother, which she wore temporarily after she spent the night with him that day. She brought everything and took the money but this dress.

"She left." He got out to tell the butler who waited outside. 

"I did tell her to wait… your grace.."

"Mm. It's okay."


"Was she seriously injured?"

"She was covered in bruises but I think it will heal soon, your grace, it didn't look like she got any bones broken."

"Did she treat her wound?"

"I don't know, your grace. She didn't say anything. She just walked here silently and left without anyone's awareness like this.."

"Send someone to look after her in secret, don't let anyone know it even Anita herself and report to me, let her be when she finds a place."

"Yes, your grace, I got it."

Riftan left her room with his mother's dress in hand. He went to Helena's room to see how she was.

Helena looked sad. She still didn't look at him in the face despite sleeping in his arms the whole night.

"Have you eaten?" He asked tenderly.

"Did you see her off? That woman…"

Riftan took a breath before opening his mouth.
"I didn't. She left before I got home."

"Are you disappointed? You couldn't keep her."

"No. I'm not."

Helena turned to the man who refused her question. Her voice sounded a little trembled.

"You must be… after all, she was your favourite nights…"

Riftan wiped the tears that ran slowly from her eyes.
"No. My favourite night was our wedding night."

"How could that be? haha… you're lying, she was all over you.."

Riftan ignored her question and said.
"I brought something. Do you mind closing your eyes?" 

Helena let out a heavy breathing and closed her eyes as he suggested. Riftan pulled something out of his pocket then put it in her palm.

"Open your eyes."

Helena opened her eyes slowly. A small necklace made from gold and diamond yet looked like it was made from grass. She looked up to his handsome face in daze. Riftan opened his mouth and said in a silent tone. It was a natural slow and low voice that didn't sound like he was trying to be sweet to erase his mistake, he sounded simple yet it gave warmth.

"The necklace in the fairytale book you read and told me about. Did I get it right?"

"When did you…"

"A few months ago. It just got done yesterday. Since we didn't have an actual picture of how it looks, it took time. I studied the necklace's looks from how they described in the book. I'm not sure if I got it right."

"It's pretty."

It was the first time Riftan saw her smile again after two days passed, even though it was faintly, it was a smile from her heart.

"I'm glad you like it. I will leave now. Sorry for disturbing you. Don't forget to eat."

He took his hand off her and left. When they woke up in the morning, she pushed him away even though she was the one holding on to him saying it made her uncomfortable to be around him. Seeing his face reminded her of what she had witnessed. Helena wanted to thank him but she closed her mouth and held the necklace tight. 

The sun started setting down. A tall man wearing black from head to toe with his face covered in a mask came through the window into the Grand Duke's study.

"Your grace." He bowed.

"You saw her?"

"Yes. She hasn't left the city yet."

"How is her condition?"

"A pretty bad shape for a woman, your grace. She got quite a lot of bruises. Also, she could walk but with difficulty." 

"Didn't she go to some physicians?"

"No, your grace. It looked like her only goal was to leave the city. All she did was rent a carriage."

Riftan sat in silence.
"Follow her until she gets a place to stay safely. You could stop after that. Don't forget to report to me."

"I got it, your grace."


"Are you done preparing, lady?"
The carriage driver asked the woman who covered herself in a plain black robe. She got two small luggages.

"Yes, I'm done."

He lifted her luggages and put it in the carriage for her before she went up.

"Are you alright? You look like you're sick."

"No, I'm okay. You can leave now."

"Sure, lady. You can sleep. I'll wake you up when we arrive."

"Thank you."

Anita closed her eyes. They started traveling at midnight so they could arrive faster.

Deukk. Creak.

"Thieves..?! We don't have anything for you… please let us go. We only have two lives! Please spare us!"

Before she could even open her eyes, the screaming was heard from outside. Just then Anita noticed that the carriage had stopped.

"Is that woman inside the carriage!? Drag her out."

Just then Anita realised what was coming but it was too late for her to escape, a sword already pointed at her.

"You come with us, Anita Volver."

After they dragged her like she was an animal, her body was thrown into the ground. Around 3 to 4 guys in black surrounded her.

"If you're curious, we were sent to kill you."

Anita clenched her fist. Her body hurts and so does her heart. She didn't even need to ask who it was. It was too obvious.

"Any last words for the man you wanted so much?"

She smirked to herself. Looked at the mysterious men, her eyes floated by water, even so she smiled gently.

"Just do your job and get paid. You talk too much."

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