39 : Helena

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"We've arrived, milady!"
Anne screamed in excitement. Helena in a travel dress with a hat got off the carriage.
"This city is really pretty just like they said!"

This is another capital located at the north of their country. They're way smaller but share a really different culture and were named the city of gold because everything here is painted and covered by gold. They're famous for having amazing singers, too. Helena looked around with a smile. The capital was full of laughter. Kids and teenages were running around singing. The market was filled with people.

"Today happened to be a festival." Said the guideman.
"So people are louder than usual. I mean this city is always a loud place but it's louder today.."

"It looks lively. It's different from us." Helena responded. She had always wanted to travel, see the outside world but because of how weak she was, she wasn't allowed to have so much fun. But at the moment, here was she, standing in another country's land.

"Milady! Let's go! Let's join them!"

Anne with a luggage in hand held Helena's hand and started running while the guide man ran after them.

The 3 were in the loud crowd filled by music, Anne danced to her heart's content as she was a free spirit person along with the guide man while Helena was laughing watching these two.

"Let's dance! Woho!"

"We haven't found a hotel and the first thing we do is join the crowd!" Said the guide man.

"Shut up and dance! Woho!"

Helena shook her head slightly to the music, played along with the crowd. It was a new experience. The people here were so different from them that Helena couldn't tell which one in the crowd were aristocrats and which were commoners. They all wore the same type of clothes.

"We don't dance like that, lady. Are you a foreigner?"

Helena flinched at the voice behind her, she turned around and met sharp eyes but he was smiling.


"Who dances like they haven't eaten yet like that? That's not fun. Let me show you."

The man took her hand and ran into the depth of the crowd. Helena immediately screamed.
"Ahh… I can't… my maid is there!"

"Oh my god! Thief! Don't you dare steal my lady!" Anne screamed, she pushed through the crowd and followed them.

"I'm not stealing her! I'm teaching her how to dance!"

"Don't drag milady so fast! She has low energy! I'm going after you!"

"Why didn't you say that from the start?"
The strange man who appeared out of nowhere and dragged her around asked her like it was funny. He kept laughing.

But before she could say it, he put his hand on her waist and moved her body to the music. Helena was quite embarrassed that he touched her so casually.

"What are you doing…"

"Teach you how to dance. Don't mind the physical contact, it's only natural to touch someone for a professional dance."

"Please let me go… this is embarrassing…"

Her ears turned red. What just happened after they got off the carriage for like 10 minutes?! But the man didn't stop. He moved her, lifted her up and made Helena scream out in surprise while he was laughing.

"This is how you dance. We don't shake heads like you did a moment ago. That's boring."

"Please stop. I'm tired."
She said lightly and he stopped as she suggested.

"Come and follow us!"
He turned to scream at Anne and the guide man before he took her hand and pushed through the crowd again.

"Hey youuuuu! Where you're taking milady! Youuuuu!" Anne screamed back.

"Let's go. Let's walk around."

"I haven't found a hotel yet…"

"That's okay. I live here. I know a lot of places."

Helena went silent. She was embarrassed. She didn't even know him. How could he act like they've known each other for years. Are people here that friendly? But a part of her was happy, to be approached and welcomed by strangers, she has never been welcomed by anyone before. Anywhere she passed by was the judging and detest eyes.

He really did show her everywhere and he even took them to a hotel. Helena almost ran out of breath. They were walking around nonstop for hours. But she was really delighted.

"It's time for me to leave."
The strange man smiled at the three people.
"It was a good time, miss."

"Ahh… are you going right now?" Helena got up.


"If that's so… may I know your name please?"

The man tilted his head, looking up for a moment then looked back to the woman who waited anxiously for his answer, with a childish smile on his face, he responded.
"You can call me Theor. Then next time."

When he turned his back Helena opened her mouth.
"...my name is Helena.. thank.. thank you for today..!"


A tall figure went through the window glass of a room in the dark but the moment his foot touched the floor, the light opened. The man scratched his head and laughed anxiously at a young man who looked at him with murderous smile.

"Your majesty…"


"Don't haha me! Where did you go!? You left all your work and went out to the festival again!? Were you not!? Oh my god!" 

"I will only go once again tomorrow…" said the man trying to act like an innocent kid who just wanted to go out and play.


Another chapter and the book will end 😊

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