15 : THROWBACK (4)

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Started from then on, Anita's presence around the man has changed its effectiveness. He couldn't look at her and not thinking about what he saw. He was trying to ignore and playing it cool but deep down he knew he wasn't. He could not possibly keep thinking about the woman when he's already married to the love of his life. Even though he fantasies about her from time to time, he did not approach and kept their distance as how it always was.

Anita who wasn't aware that he saw her having sex with another man and turned on by it didn't try anything funny either. She was afraid she'd get kicked out if she tried throwing herself at him. He loves Helena dearly. All she could do was secretly watching him.

Alone in Helena's bedroom to do her chores, a big creamy blouse laid on the large bed. Anita took the shirt slowly before put it on her lips, closed her eyes and kissed it. It was his blouse. And it smelled just like him. Manly and sexy. She put it inside a basket full of her lady's worn clothes and left the room.

"Here is the Duchess's clothes."

Said the woman handed the basket to another maid who was in charge of doing laundry today. She left his blouse in her own room before coming here.

"Thanks, Anita."

"Yes. I will leave it to you now."

The maid smiled and nodded. Anita was an unproblematic woman. She knew what was her role and did what she had to do. She wasn't lazy neither do doze off in working hours. She was simply not nice but not bad either. She was favoured by the Duchess, she could be mean to them but instead, she talked to them as how they talked to her. So everybody liked her.

In the crumpy bedroom, the bedsheet was a little messy due to the shaking body that laid on it. Held on to the creamy blouse and smelled it, the woman was touching herself. The long but small fingers rubbed her own sweet spot and moaned in excitement.

"Ah… Riftan…"


Another day has came, there was a party hosted by Riftan himself for the soldiers that have had trained for months without stopping. He went there, too, having fun with the men, as he was the host.
Everyone has came to bed and fell asleep soundly except for the front gate's guards and Anita. She thought that the man will comeback so she was willing to wait silently since her master was already sound asleep. She wanted to take care of him for an impression. He will not suspect her of lusting over him as she was just trying to take care of a drunk man who just got home and he would start to be aware of her existence, too. That was her intention.

A carriage finally ran in at 12am. Anita got up from her seat and hid. Two tall men walked in. Riftan was carried by a knight. He looked so drunk. They went on the stairs to the first floor and it took a few minutes later for the knight to got back and left. The woman ran to the kitchen and brought a gold plate full of cold water and walked upstairs.

She went in his room silently. He was deep in sleep because of the alcohol so he didn't notice another soul was there at all. Anita put the water plate on a table and looked at the shining man. She sat on the side of the bed next to the sleeping man and started taking off his robe. He was wearing a dress underneath. During these times men and women have their own kind of dress. Women usually wore dress designed with flowers, diamonds, etcs, along with corset and random decorations to add the dazzling. While men had the kind of dress like shirt but the dress was designed long to their knees or below that. It was for comfy since it's easier to move. They usually wear it with a pant then put a belt on and a robe. She took the dress off him slowly because the man was huge so it took her a lot of effort. Her pupils wavered by the solid body covered by abs and scars. She took a breath and started wiping his body carefully. While she was doing her job, a firm hand suddenly grabbed her hand, it made her body jumped in surprise. He was looking at her with his pupils darken. The anxiety ran into her body out of nowhere, she was shaking when a husky voice was heard.

"Why are you in my room at this hour?"

She avoided his stare and tried to excuse herself.

"Your grace… I was just… just…"

The man rised. When he got up and sat still, they were so close to each other that she felt his hot breath.

"It's 12 and a half."

Riftan said after he looked at the clock on the wall.

"...I wasn't asleep so when you came back I came out to see… and you were so drunk… I thought I should clean your body…"

The man smirked at the excuse. She was shaking like a puppy in front of a wolf but she came in here? That did not make much sense to him. She looked down and didn't even have the gut to face him.

"You came to clean a drunk married man's body in his room?"


She opened her eyes wide to look at the man. The anxiety ate her up because she thought she would be thrown out at the next day.

"You take care of my wife… now you want to take care of me too? Are you trying to be a parent figure to us, Anita?"

"I'm sorry. I won't do that anymore…"

"Now don't avoid my gaze." He held her chin before she looked down again.

"I'm still tipsy. Have you finished cleaning me yet?"

The woman was in daze with the question. She thought he will kick her out from his room right away but he didn't. She shook her head when her mind cameback and responded.

"Not yet… your grace…"

"If you want to clean me so much then finish your job and leave. I'm going to sleep."


To be continued.

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