30 : Timeskip

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I did update 3 times today (28,29,30)
a reminder, just in case people who just see the notification jump into the latest chapter because you will skip like two chapters in a row 😂!


"I want to keep it…"
Helena said lightly when everyone got out and it was just the two of them.

"Please listen to me. Don't give birth please."
Riftan knelt before her, he looked desperate.
"I don't want this. Don't take the risk. What if something happens to you?"

"I will be okay.. I will try to improve my health."

"Helena, no… it's not that easy."


Tears suddenly left her eyes. It made Riftan forget to breathe but he made up his mind from the start that they would never conceive a child. He didn't want a child if it could harm Helena.

"You have a weak body… giving birth is dangerous…"

Helena cried harder hearing so.
"But I want to… really.. it's our baby.."

"You will put your life on the line. I don't want that…"

Riftan looked down. He was upset just as much as she was. Helena held his cheeks. Riftan avoided her eyes. 

"I will work hard… Riftan.. so please let me keep the baby.."

"Are you trying to kill me? As if cheating wasn't enough, I put you through something that could harm your life… I'm going crazy.. what if something happens…"

"Riftan… having a child is not a mistake."

"Anything that hurts you is a mistake and I'm also one of them."
He responded without hesitation. His eyes showed the guilt he bore.
"I'm sorry."

"As an apology for hurting me… can you please let me keep the baby…?"
While tears ran down, she asked.

Riftan felt his heart drop to the floor. He just wanted to cry.
"Why are you doing this to me?"

Then Helena wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly while tears kept finding their way outside her eyes.


Helena started taking medicines daily. She worked out every morning and ate with a routine. She was pouring it all into delivering the baby safely. It was hard since she was weak and didn't have a habit of eating much but however Helena tried… and she was happy thinking about the little human growing in her womb. Riftan wasn't happy at all but he put up with it. He took care of everything. Helping her working out, eating, taking medicines and he worked himself off in finding the physician that could make her body stronger. He lived with anxiety. There were nights he wasn't able to sleep because of how much he was worried about the baby's birth.

Finally, after 3 months of her pregnancy, he found a physician from a foreign kingdom, he spent millions of bucks inviting him here. With both Christensen's physician and foreign physician, Helena's health had improved from time to time.

His spy reported about Anita to Riftan. He said there was no trace of her, she had disappeared completely like she vanished into the invincible air. Without even the confirmation of her being dead or alive. But Riftan, who was trying to make sure his wife would be okay during giving birth, wasn't interested in it like he was at first. Added with the fact that the empire had met some major problems that could lead to war, all the politicians were pretty busy. He had forgotten about her existence for a really long while.

After a month of discussion, the court had already decided that war would be starting for the second time. Riftan and Chester would be in charge of leading their army along with the royalty's army.
It would be a really big war this time.

As months went by, it didn't take long for the pregnancy to reach their last month where everyone was eager to see. Unlike Helena who was filled with joy and excitement, Riftan wasn't feeling it at all. There were nights Helena had to comfort him that she would be okay. The more time passed, the more anxious Riftan got. He trained the soldiers, working with the family's affairs, preparing and discussing war strategies and any other needs in war, after that he spent all his time taking care of Helena. He was really busy, there was no time for a break. Anita's name naturally faded from his mind.

One evening, Helena had reached her birth. The mansion was filled with anxiety. Everyone was praying for hers and the child's safety. Riftan was there next to her, holding her hand tight with his heart pounding in worry while Helena was screaming in pain with two doctors helping her birth. Riftan who couldn't look at his wife in pain closed his eyes tightly. A teardrop dropped down from his eyes. He cried without knowing himself.
But everything went well. After a painful birth, both the mother and the child were fine.

It was a boy…
Riftan couldn't believe his eyes.
A small human was crying in his arms while his wife fell asleep after giving all the energy she had saved for months for this birth. Riftan kissed her forehead lightly. He looked at her with admiration and love.

Two days after the birth, they finally gave him a name.

It was Luciano. Luciano Christensen.

Helena was happy.
Her wholesome present covered all the painful memories from months ago. But there was one thing she wasn't happy about..

It was the fact that Riftan would be going to war soon… for the next 2 days.

"The emperor called for me. This will be the last party before I go on the battlefield with Chester. I will come back early, wife."

He kissed her forehead and Luciano's, too.

Riftan looked completed.
He was surrounded by happiness.
Of course. He was happy.
His wife had given birth without harm and the small soul that just started to feel the world, it was like a blessing to him.
The woman who disappeared without a trace also had erased from his mind.


Just a reminder that this book is a cheating romance writing from the mistress's POV.
I thought everyone will understand the genre since I saw a lot of other books with this genre published here, too.

Spoiler: it may end soon, haha.
But it's still longer than I expected. This book wasn't supposed to be talking about emotions, war, history, and sh** .
It was supposed to be a smut book with no plot TvT
But now, I even got a plot going on.
Why, ong. I'm screaming ☠️☠️

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