34 : Anita

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"Helena, here's your medicine."
The Duchess handed a cup of medicine to her daughter who kept herself in the library all day long.

"Thank you, mother."

"Lucian hasn't come back yet?"

"Not yet. Perhaps he will sleep there."

"Are you sure you're not going to talk to him, dear? It's been 5 years."

"There is no need for us to interact with one another, mother." Helena smiled gently.
"I don't hate him either. I'm good."

"He hasn't met anyone yet."

"That has nothing to do with me, mother." Helena finished her medicine.

"Child, I will write him a thank you letter for sending the doctor. If you want to write it yourself, tell me."

Helena smiled gently and turned to the book in her hand. She was thinking about moving to another city. Somewhere that she would start all the good memories with. Somewhere that the people who looked down on her existence as a poor health woman didn't exist. It has been 5 years. She was too busy moving forward to hold onto the memories that hurt her. All she wanted at the moment were Luciano and her own self.


An astonishing carriage ran itself into a village which was located 17 hours away from the empire. The villagers who have never peeped with this kind of a large and splendid carriage before watched the carriage run in daze wondering who was in it. They stopped at the most classiest hotel in that village. A while after, 3 tall men left the hotel and went to the village. Unlike the empire that was filled by luxury, here was not a classy village, lower class nobles and commoners lived among each other, but it wasn't so bad either. They looked lively and joyful.

Two days later, the people who were waiting to see the owner of the carriage they've seen still didn't show up. It was a bit of a disappointment that it became the talk in the town.

"You know what, I heard people in the market talking about a carriage they've never seen before coming here 2 days ago but the owner hasn't even showed up yet. What did they come here for, after all!? I don't like these empire nobles at all! They act like they own the world!"

"Perhaps they got business to do here or just passed by."
A similar voice was heard. The lady who started the conversation threw a response.

"If they just passed by, they wouldn't stay here for 2 days and haven't left!"

"Why do you care about them so much? Haha. They're not even related to us."

"I hate them. Didn't you hear me? I saw the way those empire nobles looked at us and it still tainted in my mind."

"Yes yes. Whatever you say. I have to go now."

"Walk carefully!"

Owner of the sweet and friendly stepped out from the book stall with a basket in her hand. The clothes that covered her skinny body were stained by resin and looked as if she was wearing it for years already. When she got to the market, she walked into a salon stall.

"Hello. I came here to sell my hair."

"Oh my! Come!"

Because she sold her hair often, the owner of this salon stall knew her very well. The hands that were covered in countlessly small cuts and scars took her black hair out of the basket, handed it to the salon owner and she got payback by the length of the hair she sold.
Then she looked around the market, bought some bread, potatoes and honey.
She spent 20 minutes walking from the village to where her house was located. Far away from everybody, the house looked grumpy, small and alone.

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