End : Loving you was a sin

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"Do you perhaps like her?"

Chester's question kept repeating in Riftan's mind. Looking after the sleeping boys silently for a while, the solid body finally lifted itself from the bed.

He never actually thought about how he saw her. It started with lust so he was sure it was just that and nothing else.
But seeing how she was so scared of meeting him again, he couldn't stay calm. The action that pushed him away and the way she kept telling him to leave. He was mad. She had never treated him like that.

It has been 6 years...
What did everyone gain from all the things that happened years ago anyway...

Riftan thought so but he couldn't deny the fact that it irked him a lot that she didn't look at him the way she did before. It also annoyed him that she looked so miserable after running away.

But how is she right now?
It has been a few days since Damian was brought here... wasn't she going to come soon? And deep down, he wished that she would. The child also missed his mother so much.

And things bounded the way he wished it would. Anita did show up... but she came with a man. Riftan felt his stomach crumpling. The man got quite a look and it made him uncomfortable. Staring at the short haired woman who looked like she hadn't slept for days, he felt guilty, but he couldn't ignore the suspicious man who he had never met before so he spoke out in a displeased tone.
"You come in alone. I don't welcome a stranger into my house."

The mage smiled as if he was expecting this.
"But I'm the one who brought her here, sir, I'll be the one to bring her back, too."

"Who are you? How do you know her?"
Riftan took Anita's hand and held it tightly.

"Please don't act like that. You're not her husband, it will make her uncomfortable."

"What do you-"

"He's right.. Please let go of me."
Anita brushed his hand lightly. She didn't look at him in the face anymore.
"Where is Damian please?"

"Tell him to go away then I'll let you see our child." He commanded firmly.

Anita turned to look at the mage with an apologetic look. The mage smiled at her and walked out without a complaint.

"Have you eaten yet? You look tired."
He only softened his tone after the other man walked away.

"Please just tell me where Damian is."

"I will guide you there so don't worry. I won't hide him from you."

Riftan led her upstairs to where the boy was. Lucian hasn't awakened from his nap yet while Damian already did so he was playing with Riftan alone.

The moment the door opened, the mother ran to her son in tears.

"Mother!" The boy jumped into her arms.

"You're fine, right? You're not sick and hurt anywhere, right? Mother missed Damian so much. Mother is sorry."

"Damian missed mother but can only see mother in dreams.."
Damian kissed her cheeks... Anita hugged him so tight. She felt her broken heart lifted up a bit. He's doing fine. He's not sick.

Riftan looked at both of them. The lonely feeling hit him hard. He wanted to be in the picture along with them but he was afraid that he would be pushed away so all he could do was look from afar.

When the moon came in the sun's place, doing its job on earth, the sky filled with pitch black. Anita stayed next to Damian holding his little hand while patting his head slowly. Next to Damian was Luciano, who also fell asleep soundly.
Riftan opened the boys' bedroom door, peeped with her back, and he stopped his footsteps for a moment. She looked tired. She has gotten thinner... and the hair...

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