28 : Rose

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"The tournament will start in the afternoon. I will have to go prepare myself for it. I hope you will go to see me in combat, wife. Since we promised that you'll give me 3 hours of your time every day… you'll go, right?"


Riftan smiled at the lady who didn't look at him.
"Thank you."

The tournament is a fight between the men who were knights, commanders, generals, or knew of swords and fight technic. The man who won a combat they were in would get a rose. Mostly, they only gave the rose to the woman they love or had a crush on. That was why, more than for entertainment, this tournament could be considered an elegant way of confessing your love. Because of the fact that the men put their safety in the line for the rose, it was a victory rose of a knight, so any woman would be really happy and touched to receive one.

Riftan, on the other hand, joined the tournament with other noblemen like any other years. He always gave his rose to Helena and this year he wished to do the same. Anne, the new maid, was still in preparation for her Grand Duchess.
She did her hair after she gave her a make-up look. Helena looked at herself in the mirror and said anxiously.

"Don't go overboard. This is too much."

"Oh no. It's not, milady! You're the Grand Duchess of Christensen, there's no such thing as too much for you!"


"I will make you shine so bright that even the sun will be defeated by your beauty! Hehehe."

"Oh my god. Riftan will think I forgive him…" Helena covered her face.

"Oh the Grand Duke is not that brazen, milady! Don't worry he knew his mistake too well!"

An hour passed, the Christensen carriage had arrived at the imperial palace's training ground. Just when the carriage stopped, all gazes focused there. Helena took a breath slowly. People were always watching her while silently judging. She would hear all kinds of gossip about her walking down the streets.
Helena stepped out, she wore a Heather colour dress that was a trend during that time. Her elegant looks got some noble ladies who watched her silently turned away with hate.

"Hey… she's here."

"I haven't seen her for so long already."

"I know right. All she does is stay at home. She doesn't even join social gatherings."

"That's because she has a really weak body and she can't go out much just in case she collapses. Who will know!"

"Why did she even bother coming here after all? Can't she just stay at home if she's so weak geez… I was looking forward to seeing the Grand Duke alone without her."

"Right. If she's not here, perhaps the Grand Duke's rose could be given to us. Who knows?" 

"She's like his watermark, so annoying."

"I'd pay to see her go back home to be honest."

Anne glared at the women who tried to pin her Grand Duchess down just because she's married to the Grand Duke. Her face said “as if you will have a chance” to them.

"Did she change the maid? The last time she didn't look like that."

A lady chuckled and said.
"I understand her, really. I would probably get rid of pretty and stable women around the Grand Duke, too, if I were her."

Then the other ladies laughed.
"You're so right. I almost forgot about that! Hahaha."

"That former maid looked quite impressive for a commoner, you know. Haha."

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