12 : THROWBACK (1)

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Riftan's POV

Riftan Christensen, the young commander, who got this position at the age of 17 years old because of his great ability in swords and war strategy.

Coming from one of the most powerful households in the empire wasn't enough, he's hardworking and obviously a fine young man. His hair is as black as the night sky, his skin is tanned, deep yellow pupils that could pierce through your soul, with the tall figure of a man who is yet to reach his final height, he was already 6'4 tall.

Riftan is the only child of the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess. He was raised with love and affection from his parents and has been respected and admired by everyone at his age since he was young because of how hardworking, dedicated and talented he was.

At the age of 18, the Grand Duke, soon to be, was given an order to lead the military for the war with the neighboring country.

"What do I get from this war, your majesty the crown prince?"

With his eyes facing straight with the future emperor as mighty and powerful as he always is, Riftan asked firmly, showing that he wouldn't bet his life on the war without nothing in return. The crown prince smiled softly as if understood the guy's personality.

"What about marrying one of my sisters?"

He gazed at Riftan's uninterested eyes and continued wickedly.

"You can have 2 of them if you'd like. I believe that my sisters wouldn't mind sharing a husband if it is you, little Duke."

Riftan was unimpressed with the bold suggestion. He's also well aware that all the princesses would come running to him without hesitation if he agrees to the crown prince, they've tried jumping on his bed or on him literally, at any chance they get but he couldn't care less about having these royal princesses riding on him. There is only a woman he wants.

"I refused, your majesty."

"Mind you tell me what is the reason?"

The crown prince lifted one of his eyebrows in surprise.

"After I comeback from the war, please make lady Helena Lancia my wife."

The Crown Prince laughed out loud because he couldn't help it. Did he just refuse 2 royal Princesses to marry a noble lady? He knew that the Lady of Lancia is a gracious and elegant woman. She's as beautiful as the gentle spring but she was known as a lady with poor health. Her body is weak, that was what he heard from the nobles. On the other hand, his sisters, the royal Princesses, any beauty of this land wouldn't want to face them, they make every single woman on their presence looked like country pumpkins. Not to mention, they've always wanted this man. They would ask him about the commander and this man just refused them without hesitation? That's crazy, if he may say. But he couldn't disagree what the man wants so he accepted with a smile.

"I accepted your offer, little Duke. The day you comeback from the war will be the preparation day of your national wedding day. Please bring us victory. We will be awaiting your comeback. May God blesses and keeps you safe on the battlefield."

"Thank you, your majesty."

Helena's POV

"There is a letter from his majesty the Crown Prince, your grace."

A butler handed a letter covered in gold with the imperial seal to the Duke of Lancia. The Duke opened the letter and started reading it carefully before jumping in surprise.

"Butler, call my wife and daughter here! Right now!"

"Yes, your grace!"

The butler went out in a hurry while the man's still in shock. Not many minutes later, two slender figures showed up before him.

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