24 : Confrontation

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"Where is Helena?"
Riftan, who sat at the table waiting for his wife to come so they could have breakfast together, asked the maid. She was usually up this hour.

"Her grace didn't want breakfast today, your grace doesn't have to wait for her. That's what the Duchess said."

Riftan got up from his seat and commanded the maid.
"Bring a breakfast and something that would do for the morning treat and follow me."

"Yes, your grace."

The maid hurried to do what she was told then went upstairs, following the large figure of her master from behind. When Riftan reached Helena's room. The unfamiliar maid stood in front of the door and opened her mouth unhesitatingly.

"The Duchess said no one is allowed to enter, your grace."

His eyebrows curled up. He felt a hint of anger.

"Get out of the way."

"I can't, your grace. The Duchess commanded me to prevent anyone from entering.. I'm sorry."
The maid shook her head without looking directly at him.

"What nonsense you're spitting? You're not even her maid. Get out of the way."

Helena needs breakfast. Or at least, a glass of milk. She couldn't just not eat and go on her day when her health was like that so he got angry without knowing himself that she saw him having another woman with her own eyes.

"I'm sorry, your grace. Please go back. The Duchess said I must only allow her mother to enter… I'm really sorry.."

But while his anger was rising, a doubt ran through his mind. Why was the maid who stood here doing something like this not Anita? That's unlike Helena.. because whatever it is, Anita will manage everything about her. But then he calmed his anger down.

"She called for my mother-in-law? What happened to her?"
He asked and the maid shook her head in hurry.

"I don't know, your grace.."

"Bring this to her. Tell her to at least eat a little. If she doesn't have an appetite, give her the milk. She can't just not eat anything."

"Yes, your grace."

When Riftan backed away. The maid did as she was told. She brought the breakfast into the room silently.

"Your grace…" Anita called out to Riftan.

"Why aren't you with Helena? I thought you were in the room with her."

"I wasn't allowed to go in.. your grace.."

"Hah… what happened suddenly?"

"I will try to get in somehow, your grace.."

"Watch her meals properly. She may faint and get sick. Tell someone to call for me when she allowed you in. I need to see her and ask why she's suddenly like this."

"Yes, your grace."


4 hours passed just like that... In the room filled with luxury, the body on the king size bed trembling in tears. She hugged herself crying silently. Her eyes were swollen while tears soaked her face. Her heart was throbbing like crazy. She felt her breath almost run out from time to time. But then a presence hurriedly walked in.

"Helena.. my dear child.. what happened to you?"

The old Duchess of Lancia pulled her body up and wiped tears from her daughter's beautiful face gently. Even though she didn't know the reason why she was crying, the mother's tender heart was already breaking.

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