22 : Nail marks

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"Your grace, I will take my leave now."

Said Anita to the man who just got out of the bath while she had already changed the bedsheet, too. When he nodded, Anita pulled the door and walked out in silence. She sneaked into his room after she made sure nobody was awake and left around 2am when nobody arised from their bed yet. It has already become a habit.

The morning continued as usual. The couple had breakfast together. Before Riftan left the mansion to attend the imperial meeting, he gave Helena a goodbye kiss.

In a large room covered in white and gold, the young emperor, the great nobles, the royal prime minister, and etcs, were presented.

The great nobles were the noble families holding the most power and wealth, they were like the noblest among the nobles. They were often the families that held many businesses, some families held the army power, and some held the holy power because they inherited the saint's blood, the people who took care of the temple of the god they respect.

The great nobles in the scenes were 3 families.
The Christensen, the family that held the most powerful army and inherited wealth, and 2 other families, one holding the holy power in the empire and their own holy army (soldiers that fight wearing white robes), one holding the power in international trading businesses.

The imperial family may rule the earth but the great nobles ruled them. The royalties lived off the money the great nobles had given to them or we could say that they were being sponsored by them. They hold even the right to decline who the emperor wanted to be his empress if they thought the person wasn't suitable for the position. And that was both the reason why Riftan could hurt the imperial princesses without hesitation and why the emperor wanted his sisters to marry him so much. To be exact, the great nobles could dismiss the royal family with just a snap of their fingers. Especially the Christensen, since the family held the most powerful war maniac army troops.

"Accept the offer." Said Riftan made every single person in the room jump.

The young emperor tried to laugh awkwardly. Because Riftan sat next to him, he whispered.

"Hey, what are you trying to pull?"

"That's their punishment for making my wife fell sick."

"Hey. Don't do this. Take it back. Let's clear this between us.. how could you make me accept the offer asking me to marry my sisters off to some old men?"

The emperor tried to convince him but Riftan didn't care at all.

"They had the chance to choose for years but they didn't. They could've married the high priest or the Grand Duke of Edinburgh."

"Ehemmm…!" The Grand Duke of Edinburgh faked a cough when he heard so.

"Just take it back. If you wanna punish them, do it the other way. This is a marriage, it's for life. They won't be able to remarry if those damn old guys died without giving them permission to remarry."

"They're royalty, too. Why are you so worried? If they're lucky enough to bear their child and be loved, their sons must inherit these old men's throne, is it not good for you?" Riftan asked sarcastically.

Everyone kept silent. The high priest, too, sat silent watching the emperor getting nervous because of his co-richest man.

"Let's talk about this matter later. I have something to discuss with the Grand Dukes and high priest. Everyone please dismiss." The emperor stood up.

When everybody left. The high priest, a tall man in white robe, stated.

"What did you two talk about?"

"I tried to convince him to take back what he said."

"Don't try to push the sisters of the emperor to me, Riftan. I admitted that they're magically beautiful but that was it to it. I'm 101% sure I couldn't tolerate their personalities." Said Ronan Edinburgh.

"Cough." The emperor glared at Ronan who sat there laughing.

"What happened?" High priest, Chester Noblezo.

"My two sisters did something very wrong to his wife, so he's mad." Emperor.

"You're really going at their necks huh?" Ronan to Riftan.

"Why not?" Riftan.

"Keep calm, Grand Duke." Chester.

"I'm calm as it is." Riftan.

"I will tell them to apologize to your wife, if you want them to kneel, just say so." The Emperor.

"My wife has moved on. She didn't need that." Riftan.

"Your wife has moved on, why are you holding a grudge instead? You're an asshole for real." Ronan.

"Yeah. I am."

Ronan, who was the kind of person who can't take things seriously bursted out laughing.

"Tell them to marry anyone as soon as possible or they will marry the foreign country old guys. That's the 2 options."
Riftan said to the Emperor before leaving.

[ The Christensen's mansion. ]

"Ah. You have arrived." Helena ran to welcome her man as he walked in.

"Yes, I'm home." Riftan kissed her cheek and held her hand.

"Do you want to have tea?"

"Whatever you want."

Helena smiled and led him upstairs. They went to the library, and the maids brought the tea set with snacks there. They sat on a big antique coach that both of them could lay on without worrying about space.

"How was the meeting, Riftan?"

"Everything went fine."

Helena put her head into the space between his neck and shoulder.

"I miss staying with you like this.." she said, closing her eyes.

"I'll go to your room. Let's spend time together tonight." He pecked a kiss on her hair.


She got off his shoulder and looked up to him. But something unexpectedly caught her eyes. Helena looked at it silently trying to tell what it was that she saw while he didn't really notice.

A few small parts of his neck burnt in red.
No matter how much she looked at it,
It looked like nail marks..

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