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The dean sat down at her desk with a huff as she let the effects of the day wash away.

Since Agatha and Sophie had left the land of fairy tales only a few days ago, trying to restore the schools to their former glory was a task and a half. First, allowing students free access into either school and changing the rules for both schools so that they aligned more had taken far too long with professors not willing to agree for the first few days and now they were talking about how to combine the dormitories so that anyone could sleep in whichever school they preferred.

Leonora was more than happy to put her feet up, literally, as she kicked off her heels, the ones that had caused her blisters due to being dragged about by Professor Peachy Cheeks all day and placed her feet up on her chair, so she was sat crossed legged. She picked up her mug of coffee, she didn't care that it was cold at this point due to it normally being practically frozen by the time she got to drinking it and took a sip from the shockingly pink cup.

While Princess Frilly got on her nerves sometimes and she knew that the gifts she received were jokes and meant as things that she just kept for the sake of it, she also knew that if the other dean found out that she genuinely used the items she received she would be humiliated until her life came to its miserable end.

Leonora sighed as she opened the book laid out on her desk and started to casually sift through the pages. She relaxed her posture slightly as she started getting to the favourite part of the story. She occasionally missed her life as a reader as she loved finding a new fairy-tale and reading it so many times that she knew it word for word, her favourite being the book 'Pinocchio'.

The thought of going from something simple and boring, like a puppet, to something invigorating, like a magical boy, always intrigued her but when it happened to her and when she realised that she couldn't return to her family she broke down. She learned the importance of never making a wish in vain and she hoped that both Sophie and Agatha had learned their lesson in their time at the school also.

She could feel the tear slip down her cheek and decided to just let it be this once, she needed the chance to let herself feel again, with her being a dean she needed to be in control constantly, but now that she suddenly didn't need to be the strong façade the young Leonora had put on she could let the dread and sadness take over the weakness that her body had been feeling recently.

She reached up to her shoulders to remove the large coat from her frame and let it fall to the floor, usually she would take pride in how clean her coat was in comparison to the rest of the school for evil, but today she couldn't care less as she could simply clean it later.

As she took another sip from the cold beverage, she could hear a guttural roar as if it was coming from a large beast, it was probably the good school training with their swords on a large animal or something, she couldn't care less so she couldn't be bothered to check.

When she heard it again Leonora did a double take towards the balcony doors at the left side of her office. She couldn't see anything past the black draping curtains, so she turned back to her book and carried on reading about the blue fairy turning the puppet into what he was always supposed to be.

The screeching became louder and was accompanied by a human steam, unusual, had one of them picked up a misbehaving student for fun? She looked to the glass doors again and jumped slightly with wide eyes and slightly open mouth as she saw the bird made of twigs and leaves carrying someone towards her school.

No, her office.

She stood up as the doors to her office were broken as the body of a girl was thrown through them. Leonora looked at the limp person on the floor with slight concern. In all her years working as the dean for the school of evil this had never happened to any student before, they were always dropped on the same day and at the same place.

She walked over to the girl and kicked her with her heeled shoe after putting her coat back on and stepped back when she lifted her head from the brick flooring. She opened her mouth to speak when she noticed the girl's looks as she lifted herself up onto her knees to look at Leonora.

She was far too old to be a student.

The woman looked up with a tilted head and raised eyebrows, so Leonora took the chance to take a long glance at all the features that stood out to her.

She looked from the pure inky black hair with white streaks to her light grey eyes with slight wonder, an ever perhaps, she looked at her large glasses and oversized shawl with a spike of fascination, strange fashion choice, she stared at the large, long black dress with admiration as she glanced at the various patterns stitched into it.

The designs covering the clean black fabric ranged from stars and roses to skulls and a snake on the left arm. The dean took in the outfit, paired with black heels like her own, with astonishment, she was wearing what seemed to be a mix of traditional ever and never fashion.

Leonora took a deep breath in as she looked back up to the woman's face as her mind raced a million miles away, she was certainly not equipped for this at this moment in time. She was very aware of the flush rising, whether it was from embarrassment of being caught staring or from something else she would rather not know.

The woman tilted her head with a small smile and light pink dusting her cheeks. "I wasn't aware I was so nice to look at." 

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now