Chapter 25

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Scripta groaned as she woke up. What time was it? Was it the next day? Where was Leonora?' Why couldn't she feel anything? Why couldn't she move?

She tried to sit up but failed and instead tilted her head a slight amount to look at herself in the vanity mirror and gasped when she saw a face in it staring back at her. No, that couldn't be right.

She closed her eyes for a few moments before looking back and seeing that it had disappeared, thank god. She really didn't need some mysterious mirror man tormenting her, especially when Lesso wasn't there.

Which brought up the question, where was she? She couldn't leave her room and the moon was high in the sky so the only place she could possibly be was her office. Honestly, what a stupid hour to be marking essays, the weird woman.

She again tried to sit or stand, or anything that wasn't lying down on her side but she failed and let out a groan. Why her of all people? Was this some sort of dream? Nightmare? Paralysis? Was this real? It hurt, that's all she knew.

The pain was in her legs, arms, chest and head. It was like vines wrapping around her and claiming her. She could feel it as if it were a live creature wriggling around her and trying to eat her, it felt wrong, horrid, evil, dreadful.

As she looked back over to the mirror she could hear a masculine chuckle and she froze up, this was a nightmare it had to be. Why was he doing this to her? He didn't even know her. She was just a reader that had been picked up by a stymph, shouldn't he be looking for someone else. Lesso, perhaps? She wasn't even here.

THen he tilted his head and smiled. “If you want me to let go, I need you to tell me. I need your cooperation for this.”

Scripta thinned her lips and waited. After he seemed to realise that he wasn't going to get anything out of her he growled and the feeling became tighter, rougher, more painful. She needed it to let go or she wasn't going to make it, she was going to be killed by him.

He grinned when she started to struggle against the weight, then he flicked his wrist and she couldn't breathe.

Breath, she needed breath, she needed to breathe, she was not going to die like this. It was downright pitiful.

So , she nodded and he cackled. “Oh, please, you think I believe that? Put some fucking gusto behind it, beg me.”

The reader gasped for breath and closed her eyes as she focussed everything into moving her mouth. “Please… let me go, I've done nothing to you, I'm sorry. Please.”

He dropped the weight and suddenly the reader could move. “Now, come and stand here. DOnt try to run, I will hunt and I will find you before you even go and find your way out.”

Scripta glared at him before swinging herself into a seated position on the side of the bed. “Really? I dont doubt, but I would like to get my breath back first.”

Rafal chuckled. “Come and stand in front of me, I want to get a good look at the woman destined to replace me.”

The reader slowly stepped her way across the room and to the vanity, being judged as she grasped onto the chair to keep herself steady, the feeling of wanting to throw up constantly present. “So, you're Rafal then?”

He bowed. “You've heard of me?”

Scripta decided to sit down and stare him dead in the eyes. “Huh, I thought youd be more attractive if Lesso was into you. Yeah, Quilly told me about you and Rhian.”

A pressure was around her neck and the reader gasped lightly. “Hush reader, I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself if you wish to make it out of her alive.”

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now