Chapter 8

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Scripta went back to her chair and waited for the next class of nevers to appear. Leonora just looked at the reader with interest as she looked at the textbook she’d been given to get her up to speed with her second years.

She noticed the way her hands gently graced over page after page and how her eyes would crinkle when she was confused about something she had read. As she looked at the notepad that was abandoned on the floor she noticed something that was definitely not writing.

Ignoring her thoughts she turned to the door as it opened to reveal a few confused second years, clearly news of Scriptas presence had gotten out. She watched as they went onto the room staring at the poor reader

She glanced up to see a lot of curious eyes looking at her, she just rolled her own and glanced down at the chapter on dream talents. She was quite curious as she realised that what Leonora had done to her earlier to wake her up was actually her talent.

She read through accounts of people using their dream talents to wake others up, give them nightmares, give them sleep paralysis and make their dreams change to whatever they want.

The message was loud and clear, don't piss off the clown.

When she looked up again she found that the lesson had been going on for a while as they all had their heads bowed and were working on the same textbook as herself. She looked at the dean to find her staring at her again and she looked back down with thinned lips.

God, that was awkward. She absolutely hated being looked at.

With that she turned to the drawing of the dean that she had drawn on the side so that she could remember the particular categories that talents fit into.

While she was also giving her drawing abilities an exercise she may have been drawing her to try and catch her attention. Of course she had noticed the way that the dean of evil couldn’t keep her eyes to herself and was having fun teasing her.

Maybe she was a never after all.

As she finished the shading she looked up at Leonora again and smiled gently which had the desired effect of having her turn her head back towards the essays on her desk.

She turns the page and starts reading about a category named elemental. She read through collections of talents until she eventually got to a page explaining opposing talents and how they can cancel eachother out.

One of the examples was a hot talent cancelling out a cold talent. She read through a page about a woman who could control fire but could also reverse her talent to create ice. She thought to herself before she dogeared the page to ensure that she could come back to it before looking up to pay attention to the lesson again.

They were now discussing weather related talents and how they are one of the more common ones. She used two of the boys in the class as examples as one of them had control over the clouds and the other over lightning.

Scripta noted down a few notes to keep herself from glancing at the dean's large hand gestures. Why did her hands look so slim and yet attractive? She looked at the redhead's face to find a small grin.

She glanced back to her hands to find them now clenched around her cane and her posture as straight as she could get it. A small chuckle caught the students attention but they ignored it as Leonora didn't smile and was completely serious.

They all knew how much worse she had gotten with the unification and didnt feel like going to the doom room today, or any day for that matter. They just put their heads down and focussed on the question that each of them had been given.

Leonora made her way to her desk again and leant on it while watching as Scriota started scribbling in the textbook again. She walked over to her to watch from over the reader's shoulder as she drew a picture of herself. Odd.

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