Chapter 43

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A long carriage ride awaited them and Lesso was absolutely thrilled, not. First, she was seated not next to Emma or Scripta but the fairy godmother and Princess Uma. Why? Just because Emma wanted to be able to watch her form the other side of the carriage to make sure that she didn't have a panic attack.

Honestly, that woman had far too much care for her. Why would she have a panic attack? Something that she had very much experienced several times before and was very much on the verge of. Ah, she could see the train of logic that the history teacher was on.

Two weeks, it had taken them two weeks to find the perfect day, the perfect time, for this to happen. They had planned it so that it could happen on a weekend, they had no duties to return to, and at near sunset, it would look beautiful once they got there.

It had taken two weeks to find a day that Clarissa wasnt with Olivia, Uma wasn't suffering any pregnancy symptoms, Lesso wasn't on the verge of passing out from stress, Scripta had no school duties to attend to and Emma didn't have any crying students in her office.

Gathering this large of a group of people together was hell, but, if Lesso had taken just Scripta with her then she would have known. She listened to their chattering but didn't take part in the conversation, her mouth was far too dry and her mind was a planet away.

Anemone had noticed and always managed to direct the conversation away from her. Again Uma tried to ask why they were all going to the cliffs and Emma brushed her off with some excuse. Something about wildlife, even she had lost track of the reasons she had given them

Lesso eventually gathered the courage to look Scripta in the eye, she looked away with a flush when the schoolmaster smiled sweetly at her. She couldn't do this. Not a chance. What if she was rejected? What if Scripta never looked at her in the same way again?

The last thing she wanted to happen was for her to think of Scarlett. She had done everything possible to make herself look as least like her as possible.

She had pulled her hair up, abandoned her cane in favour of multiple pain potions, put on her most masculine blouse and vest, worn her tallest high heels, piled so much foundation on her face that she couldn't see any trace of freckles and she had even told Olivia to not refer to her as mother for the week beforehand.

Everything was in place, she and Anemone had already found the perfect spot, ran through the path she would need to take Scripta on, made sure that yes, Lesso did indeed have the ring on her and they had made sure that there was a glamour spell over the area.

The last thing they needed were students sitting by the lake looking up and seeing Leonora making a fool of herself.

Emma gave her a glare as she went to look at her lover again. She tapped her cheek and pointed at the schoolmaster. She was flushing under Lesso's gaze. Oh, that was new.

Scripta seemed to notice that they were both watching her intently as Uma and Clarissa chatted away. She coughed lightly and turned to look out of the window she was next to. Emma snorted before nudging the redhead's leg with her foot and nodding toward Scripta.

She took the hint and Lesso sighed before reluctantly standing and switching with the history teacher. Clarissa gave Anemone a strange look as she settled but she ignored it. She instead watched Leonora try and keep her hand from reaching out.

The blonde looked toward the history teacher in confusion. She gestured between the two with a frown and Emma gestured to her finger. Her eyes went wide as she realised before she seemed to become giddy.

It was the reason that Lesso had gone to Emma and not Clarissa. She was terrified that the fairy godmother would act like a balloon about to pop until she asked. She was scared that she would give the schoolmaster too many hints and suddenly Scripta is asking her if she's going to propose. She didn't want that hanging over her shoulder.

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