Chapter 16

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Waking up the next day without Lesso beside was strange for Scripta, she honestly got used to the dean's presence and it felt weird not waking up to a chill somewhere on her body from wherever her hands had landed during the night.

Though she did wake up to the call of the talking quill waking her up for a day at the school for good, wonderful. When she had asked Dovey if she could switch schools to see what it was like she hadn't expected it to work.

She knew that Dovey knew the real reason for her sudden suggestion but she didn't want to discuss it with the fairy godmother, she felt embarrassed enough talking to the Storian about it.

Once she made it down the stairs she was greeted by the sight of food on the coffee table at the side of the room, she looked to the quill in confusion. "What's all this?"

The quill faced her and bounced slightly in growing excitement and agitation. "Dont humans require food to stay alive?"

The reader nodded as she sat on the couch and picked up the gorgeously decorated fork to the side of the plate. "Well, yes, I'm just wondering why I'm having food up here and not with everyone else."

The quill turned back to her book and the reader could hear the slight glee in the quill's voice. "Do you want to see your villainess this early after abandoning her. Well, you didn't abandon, leave her for Dovey."

The reader choked on her food before glaring at the quill after whipping her mouth with a napkin. "Do not make it out to be something it's not, I am simply getting a feel of what the other school is like."

The quill jittered slightly before choking out a laugh. "Oh, you don't even realise what's happening, I do love clueless protagonists, they make the story so much more entertaining."

Scripta tilted her head in confusion and suspicion but let it slide with a quick shrug as she returned to the food. "So, what am I doing after this?"

The Storian just carried on writing. "Well, if i were you, i would go to see the woman i was going to be stuck with all day because i said i wanted to watch her."

She just chuckled as she shoved more food onto her fork. "Fair enough, how am i supposed to get there, please don't tell me i'm supposed to climb down all those stairs."

The quill floated over to her again. "No, I'll transport you to her office, seeing as you've experienced it before, your body should be used to it, and anytime you wish to return just say my name."

The reader looked at it with a smile. "Your name is Storian right?"

The quill spun around to go back to her book. "No, my name is Cate, of course that's my name. Now, what outfit are we going for today?"

The reader tilted her head in thought. "Well, I'd rather not look too out of place."

The quill bounced before pointing its tip to the middle of the tower. "Stand, let's see what we can do with you."

Scripta followed the instruction and stood facing the quill with her arms to her sides and slightly entertained look. "Now, with your shape, a loose fit top and tighter fit bottoms would look better."

She snorted. "Are you calling me fat?"

The quill made its way around the woman in a small circle. "No, I'm saying that you have a large chest, but you could stand to lose a bit."

She hemmed at the quill. "Say that to me when you've carried a human inside you for nine months. It isn't exactly easy."

The quill went back to her face. "Well, I'm not a human, I can't exactly reproduce. Not really possible, dear."

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now