Chapter 3

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As the large doors opened for the two women the reader could feel eyes glaring at her in confusion. The reader looked up to see anthropomorphic wolves staring back at her. Scripta moved closer to Lesso as he moved his axe closer to her face.

Leonora glared at the misbehaving guard and he lowered his head in defeat, she looked to the woman next to her to endure she wasn’t too uncomfortable. She saw her draw her shawl more tightly around herschel which made the dean regret not bringing her cloak.

Oh well, her coat will have to do as she couldn’t be bothered to summon her cloak.

She followed the reader's line of sight to see her staring at the schoolmasters tower. Well with there being no schoolmaster she supposed that it should be renamed the Storian’s tower. She was getting rather annoyed by the attitude that the magical quill took on.

It wasn’t her school. Their school? It’s school?

What did it matter, the thing was quill. Why was she trying to be nice about it in her thoughts?

She pulled the woman across the bridge until they came to the middle of it. Scripta looked at Leonora with confusion as she started to climb onto the edge of the bridge, she really did hate the climbing involved with just trying to get to the tower.

As she took a step outwards the stairs appeared and she turned to the reader with a tilt of her head and a small smile at the amazement plastered on Scripta’s face. She held her hand out and waited for the woman to follow her lead.

She did with confusion written all over her.

They climbed up the magical staircase with Leonora in front and Scripta a step behind, once at the top, the dean slammed her hand as hard as she could against the door and the reader looked concerned for her health. 

“Open up before I use fire, you useless feather.” She got a strange look in response before the doors slowly opened. The reader shrugged before latching onto Lesso's arm and dragging her with her into the dark circular room with a single staircase leading up in a spiral.

The two stood at the bottom of the staircase just looking up in resentment.

“Who the hell designed this place? I swear it was built to kill people in heels.” This earned her a chuckle as Leonora started to climb the stairs in front of her. 

As the two climbed the weirdly wide staircase they could feel the strain in their legs. Lesso looked over to see if Scripta was having as much difficulty as she was and was shocked to find that she wasn’t even breaking a sweat and they were already over three quarters of the way up to the first floor.

The reader looked over at the red head with concern. “Do you wanna’ stop or…” the dean took that as an invitation and plopped down right on the stairs.

Scripta chuckled into her hand before tilting her head down at Lesso. “I suppose we're taking a break now, do you mind moving over a little bit?”

Leonora looked up at her with a frown before poking her in the chest with her cane. “What is with you and sitting next to me, Princey? No, sit down a few steps.” 

She received a scoff before the reader followed the instruction reluctantly. “Really, making me further away from where we're going, you're cruel.”

Lesso let out a chuckle as she caught her breath. “I'm the dean of the school for evil, does that not suggest anything to you?”

As the wink and smile the redhead gave the reader made her feel a little weird she looked back down to the floor with a small smile. “I'm aware, you're still an ass though.”

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now