Chapter 12

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Lesso sat behind her desk again as she watched the clock on the wall opposite her.

Dinner had been over for a while now, where was she? Had she gone off with Manley and left her to stew in her own misery? Had she forgotten? She hadn't this morning so why would she have today.

She took a sip of her whiskey and just let it burn her throat before sighing as she put her head back against the chair. She let her eyes close as she saw an image of Scripta dance across her vision and she grinned.

Oh certainly, she did enjoy the thought of what she might have beneath that dress. She was aware of every single item of clothing that the woman had access to so there were only a select few options. She liked the thought of every single one.

As she heard those carefully steps on the stone she grinned.

Perhaps drinking a lot before meeting with the person who had become the recent focus of her attraction wasn't such a good idea.  Then again, it would be fun to watch her squirm in her seat as she teased. Hm, teased, such a lovely sounding word for an activity that would lead to an even lovelier activity.

She folded her leg over the other one with slight discomfort. The entire reason she had started drinking was because of the leg and head pain that had become too much for her to handle anymore.

As the reader grew closer to the office door her flush grew stronger as well as the amount of alcohol growing. She needed that woman in her presence before she passed.

It wasn't her fault that her attraction had happened to fall onto the woman who had only shown her kindness and understanding. She let her be herself. She let her express everything on her mind without judgement. She would give her attention. She would give her affection.

Oh God, her face was wet. They were tears. She was crying. Shit.

As there was a quiet knock on the door she let even more tears fall. No. She was not letting her see the dean this weak again. She lead her face down on the desk and opened the door with a flick of her finger.

If she was weak then she would get a hug from Scripta. Scripta would speak in that oh so soothing voice and she would hold her even tighter if she started to cry. She could rest her head on her chest and let the nest on her head be pet by those delightfully quick fingers.

Seemed like a completely normal plan to a drunk Leonora.

As she heard the reader step into the room she openly sighed. "Lesso, you okay? We didn't see you at dinner and Clarissa was also concerned so I thought that I would come and see if you were okay."

The dean slowly raised her head with the most pitiful look she could muster and let her tears fall. "no, Princey. I'm not okay."

The woman looked concerned as she looked at the redhead. "Is there anything I can do?"

The dean tilted her head as she looked at the reader. "Well, I suppose your warmth would help with the chills I've got."

Scripta just chuckled confused. "my warmth? Do you want me to burn you? Wait, oh my god, you mean a hug. Will you stop being cryptic, please?"

Lesso just shook her head with a smirk before standing up and leaning on the desk. Where was her child beating stick when she needed it? She looked around while blinking slowly as she tried to locate it.

The reader held back a chuckle at the look on Leonora's face before moving toward the cane on the floor in front of her desk and picking it up. She tried to give it to the redhead by passing it over the desk but she just looked up at her confused. Who was taller?

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now