Chapter 26

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Scripta sat up in the bed to get a better look at the dean.

She hummed with her which got the attention of the redhead, she turned her head and gave her a gentle smile. “Morning, well, afternoon now. I only woke a few moments ago, it's lunch now so Dovey is sending some food up for us. I wanted to do something to keep myself busy.”

The reader chuckled as she watched the dean look at her through the mirror as she went back to brushing. “You can keep humming if you want, I'd rather enjoy it.”

Leonora chuckled before continuing while allowing the reader to join her. Scripta got up and moved slowly across the room while green eyes watched her. She much preferred this reflection over Rafal’s, much better to look at.

She made her way to the back of the chair and smiled as the dean leant into her embrace. “Afternoon to you too, darling. How is your leg? I hope you have not caused it more pain by doing this.”

Lesso tilted her head back and leant up to kiss the reader gently before humming as she pulled away. “No, a small pinch as I disentangled myself from you, perhaps. Other than that, no. I feel no pain.”

Scripta stole the brush out of her hand. “Good, now, seeing as you're not supposed to be putting strain on yourself, let me.”

Leonora gave her a look but shrugged. “Don't pull or I'll make sure youll never touch it again.”

“Fair enough.”

So, their proper start to the day was filled with the sound of Lesso’s humming, Scripta’s gentle singing and the brush passing through her hair, a pleasant start for sure. Once she was done she leant over and placed the brush down with a gentle clink before pressing a kiss to the deans cheek as she moved back.

Leonora opened her eyes and looked at the reader with unadulterated adoration. “Thank you. Rafal… he never would have done that, he always played with my long hair and pulled it, he hated the haircut i had when i had enough. I loved my long hair, but I loved my freedom even more, and I guess the haircut grew on me.”

Scripta hummed as she placed a kiss to the top of Lesso’s head. “He was an idiot then, I'm glad that you got away from him. Seeing as you get to be mine now.”

She chuckled before turning her head to look at the woman. “You're stuck with me now, I've gotten attached, there is no chance of escape now. Try and run and will find you.”

Scripta smiled. “Why would I ever run from an amazing woman like you? Trust me, I am not going to find much better. Besides, I care about you too much to do that.”

As Leonora turned back to the mirror she heard the reader scoff. She raised her eyebrow and could see the smirk on Scripta’s face. “I doubt you'd be able to catch me anyway, no matter how good you are at magic, I bet that I would be better.”

The dean closed her eyes and chuckled darkly. “Is that a challenge, little Princey?”

She tilted her head with her hands on her hips. “Perhaps, are you going to take the challenge?”

Lesso smiled as she turned to look at the reader. “Run, unless you want to be caught, but why would you want that?”

Scripta smirked and crossed her arms. “I can think of a few reasons.”

As the redhead stood up the reader chuckled awkwardly. “I'm going to just…”

The dean cackled as Scripta turned from her and began to run, she ran until her steps were stopped and she was thrown onto the bed with a grunt. Then, she looked up to see the dean hadn't even moved and was standing leaning on the chair with her bad leg off of the floor. Liar.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now