Chapter 34

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Leonora sighed as she relaxed back into her chair behind her desk, Rafal's corpse fresh on her mind.

She lifted the cold cup of coffee to her lips and frowned, she hadn't seen Scripta since the evening before, full twenty four hours, it was practically torture. She had gone up to the tower after kissing her goodnight and had not returned, was the quill keeping her there or something?

She turned her head to look out of the window behind her toward the tower and raised an eyebrow when she noticed the lights on. Not the room where the Storian was but the room above it, the old schoolmaster chambers, odd.

However, as she was about to get up to go and figure out what was going on in there a knock made itself known on the door. She openly sighed before allowing whoever the fuck it was entrance, maybe she was lucky and it was her lover finally showing her face again.

As if she would be that lucky, a wolf guard opened the door with who she presumed a student in its grasp. She hadn't seen this particular student before but maybe her exhausted mind was failing her, she looked up at the wolf rather unimpressed. "Who is this?"

The wolf rubbed the back of their neck before throwing the girl further into the room. "We don't know, we think she's a reader, she was dropped off by the bird a few moments ago."

She tilted her head. "What the fuck is going on this year? Is it because the first two left and the third one became the schoolmaster that we are having more readers than normal?"

The wolf shrugged and she gestured for him to leave, when he did the girl stood up and looked around the office to try and get a feel of it. "I'm guessing that this is the school for evil, just what I need to boost my confidence."

The dean placed her cup down in suspicion. "You know of the schools? Are you a reader?"

The blonde smiled at her rather uncertainty. "Um, yeah.. Am I not supposed to? Deauville told me. What's a reader?"

Lesso placed her elbows on her desk as she glared at the girl. "A reader comes from beyond the fairy tale realm, Deauville told you about the school? I would have thought that she would've been told to stop by now."

The blonde sat in the chair in front of the desk with a polite smile. "Yeah, um, indeed some help, I was in a bad place, she gave me hope when she told me about this place. Are you the dean for the school for evil?"

Leonora chuckled. "That I am. Lady Lesso, I will be your dean, I will terrify you in your dreams and I will watch you like a hawk. You are not from here, I need to make sure that you don't harm my favorites."

Olivia tilted her head. "Lady Lesso? As in Leonora Lesso? Good lord, my mother really has a type."

The dean thinned her lips as she had a better look at the girl. "You're Olivia, aren't you?"

The blonde nodded with a smile before leaning her arms on the desk to match the dean, she smoked as the redhead gave her a look. "So, you're going to be one of my teachers then? As well as my future stepmother? I'm absolutely screwed, aren't I?"

Lesso chuckled with a grin. "Yes. Well, it will really depend on how much control over you your mother gives me. Could you imagine that? I ground you and then you have to deal with me for at least an hour each day, this is going to be fun."

Olivia chuckled before tucking one leg over the other. "Ah, yes. Great. So, um... you and my mother, how did that happen? She hasn't been close with anyone except Deauville since mama died."

Leonora cleared her throat with an uncomfortable smile. "Well, in its most basic form, our relationship happened because of several emotional breakdowns on both our fronts, alcohol, plaited hair and a kiss. You had better not come to me asking for relationship advice, I have none. Obviously. How is Jack, is that his name?"

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now