Chapter 18

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As the golden glow disappeared from around her she looked up at the quill to find her resting for a small while on the coffee table.

She chuckled before going over and leaning over the quill. “Boo.”

The storian jumped up and flew towards the book. “Sorry, I was only on break for a few moments. I didn't mean to stop. Sorry.”

Scripta gave her an unsure smile. “Quilly, it's alright. Surely you get tired at some point. I'm not going to tell you off for it. If you need a break then you should be able to stop for a bit.”

The quill paused what she was doing and just floated for a few moments before Scripta could hear a quiet sniffle like noise. “Hey, are you alright? Do you… want a hug? Is there anything that I can do?”

The next thing Scripta knew her arms were wrapped around the feather again and she smiled as it soaked up the affection like a sponge. She hummed as she held the writing instrument against her chest. “Quilly, are you feeling better?”

The feather sighed as she sat there. “Yeah, you know how I mentioned the old school master earlier?”

The reader nodded. “Yes, what about them?”

The Storian floated away from the reader and pointed at the sofa with her tip before going back to writing in the book. “Take  a seat, we've got quite a bit to get through.”

Scripta nodded as she made her way across the room and sat down on the sofa with her feet tucked up next to her. “Well, get going then if we've got a lot to get through. I'm all ears.”

The quill was silent for a few moments.

“The old school master was a horrid man. He broke the balance between good and evil by killing his ever brother, they were twins and in charge of both me and the balance so they built these schools. Rafal, the never, became bored though and soon discovered blood magic, forbidden for its ability to turn those with it insane, and killed Rhian, the ever.”

Scripta nodded along to the feather’s description of events.

“Well, Rafal had altered the balance to the point that evil has not been able to win for over two hundred years, for those two hundred years he had disguised himself as his brother Rhian and taken on the role of school master.”

The storian summoned a cup of tea for the woman who sat patiently listening.

“To the staff and students he was a kind and understanding man, to me however he was a cruel person who would criticise my every move. He hated when i would take breaks or write something that he didn't approve of. He's the reason why most fairy tales are about a princess and prince, not a princess and princess.”

Scripta chuckled. “Let me guess, mine and Lesso’s story is the first one you've been able to write about two women.”

She shook slightly. “Yes.”

Scripta hissed. “Oh i am so sorry, you chose the wrong fuckers, our story must seem like a clusterfuck compared to fairy tales.”

The feather laughed. “Well, i did want an interesting one next and then you came tumbling in screaming. I knew that it was going to be fun as soon as I wrote the first line. You really are destined for great things.”

Scripta chuckled. “Ah yes, I'm destined to look over the school for eternity with Lesso and Dovey at my side, to bring the schools together and finally strengthen the balance between good and evil enough that it can't be ruined again.”

The Storian paused and turned toward the reader. “Well, i wouldnt of put it quite like that.”

Scripta gave the feather a look and tilted her head. “I'm sorry, I was right?”

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now