Chapter 1

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Leonora's surprised look suddenly turned to a frown and she drew in her eyebrows. How dare that little troll insinuate that she was attractive enough to catch her eyes.

She straightened her coat and coughed into her hand quite violently to get her point across to the woman sitting on the floor. “Well I say, you’re quite full of yourself, you must be an ever.” At the tilt of a head she received her mind had begun to swirl with thoughts.

Leonora responded in kind. Was she not from here? Was she a reader? Why was she currently sitting on her office floor after being violently thrown through a window? Why was she so calm? And she would like to know why this strange woman was her problem and not Princess perfect hair’s.

The woman frowned, clearing her throat. “May I ask what an ever is?” Leonora decided that while playing with her was a bit mean, she desperately needed entertainment after the drab day she had.

“No, you may not ask what an ever is.” Leonora felt herself straighten and her mouth shape itself into a small triumphant smile. Why she felt the need to tease the poor, lost woman she would never know, but it felt nice to finally regain a little part of her evilness after it was squished from the Rafal incident.

The woman gave her a look before frowning and giving her a glare over her glasses and the dean’s eyes widened slightly before grinning, perhaps she was a never.

“Listen, I don't care what kind of perch you're on, but as you can see, i was almost killed then i was knocked unconscious and i would like to know why on earth i've been thrown through a castle window.”

Leonora laughed at the very annoyed woman, oh she definitely was a never if she spoke like that. The dean decided to step closer to the woman so she could help her fellow kind up off the floor, perhaps they could figure out why she was here together. Perhaps she would end up stuck like herself and she could gain a sort of companion who knew what she went through.

As she stepped closer she could feel the judgmental eyes watching her every move, why was she watching her so intently? As the two met eyes she saw the reader's mouth open and could hear the deep breath that she exhaled when the reader's eyes roved over her chest and arms.

Why was her face warming? No, she needed to find out why she was here and the only place they could go was a long walk away. Why in all of the realms did she not own any flat shoes, oh well, she could deal with a few more blisters.

She stood in front of her before shoving her hand into the reader's face and staring her down in hopes of giving her a good shock. She looked directly into her eyes for a few moments practically silently demanding that their hands be joined together and the woman chuckled before placing her hand in the dean’s far rougher one and batting her eyes at her with a small smile.

“Thanks for the help, dear.” Leonora mentally slapped herself before chuckling and trying to keep the pink from rising too much onto her cheeks. The dean cleared her throat as she threw the poor reader off of her office floor far more violently than she intended. The woman was thrown into the villainess; chest and immediately both women started panicking.

The reader stood still as a statue with her arms against Leonora's chest and the dean reacted by having her arms freeze while they were spread out against her will.

Both women stepped further away from each other with red faces and wide eyes.

The reader looked down and the dean coughed before grabbing the woman's wrist to drag her off toward the schoolmasters tower. The reader just allowed herself to be pulled through the dark and twisting hallways of the school while trying to correct herself.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now