Chapter 31

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Stood on the stage in the middle of the hall were Leonora, Clarissa and Scripta.

Leonora watched as Scripta wrung her hands together for what seemed like the hundredth time, she sighed before pulling her forward to stand next to her. “Princey, would you please calm yourself? It is a bunch of teenagers and nothing more.”

Scripta glared at her. “Exactly, the most judgemental humans you will ever meet.”

Dovey chuckled. “She is right, the amount of my evers that would judge someone until they're in tears is extraordinary. Maybe she should be scared.”

Lesso rolled her eyes before turning to face the reader. “Scripta, they are just students, you are not a teacher, you will interact with them so little that it won't matter.”

The reader smiled. “ITs not that, I don't want to make you two look stupid, I mean, youre saying, publicly, that you place your trust in me. What if i make you both look stupid?”

The redhead grumbled. “You had better not.”

Dovey gasped and pulled Scripta toward herself. “You take that back right now, Scripta is an amazing person who deserves your trust, apologise, now.”

The dean chuckled but frowned when she saw Scripta being pulled against the woman's chest in a hug. “I'm never, we don't apologise. Let her go.”

The reader grinned against Dovey before correcting her position so that they were hugging. “Claire, she's being mean. Tell her to stop, pretty please?”

Clarissa stroked her back while staring the redhead down. “Lesso, please would you stop being mean? Scripta has feelings too, not just you. Apologise, even if you are a never, that doesn't stop you from apologising for your actions.”

Leonora chuckled as she moved closer to the other two. “Scripts didn't seem to mind too much last night, especially when I was calling her a bad girl.”

Dovey looked down at the top of the reader’s head. “Scripta, what is Lesso talking about? Do you like being called… such things.”

The reader could feel how flushed she was as she chuckled rather weakly. “Well, Dovey, when a mommy and a mommy love eachother very much… they find that they like things that they wouldn't have thought of before.”

The good dean pushed her away with a look of distaste. “She's all yours. Can we bring the students in now?”

The fairies and wolves nodded at her before going toward the door as SCripta hid herself behind the redhead. “Sorry.”

She rolled her eyes. “No youre not. Now, stand there and behave until we are done.”

The reader nodded before standing back a little more as the two deans stepped forward toward the edge of the stage.

Dovey stepped forward first with a grin. “Evers, never, find your seats, quickly please, we have something we would like to tell you. Hurry now, it is quite exciting news, something to cheer you up during these uncertain times of unification.”

Lesso rolled her eyes with a huff. “Yes, while this news may be shocking it will be good, for all of us. I am sure that you have noticed how our differing opinions have slowed down the process quite a bit, so this should help us move a small bit quicker. We hope.”

The good dean clapped her hands. “Yes, yes, it should, as long as all of you are willing to listen and not shout out as soon as you hear what it is. Please, I do hope that you will give our speaker a chance to convince you.”

Leonora smiled. “And if all of you are misbehaving little brats then the doom room will become your friend, one by one. Don’t not think that i am bluffing, i have nothing to do this weekend, you will make for good entertainment.”

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now