Chapter 15

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The awkwardness had extended until lunch the next day because of course it did. Of course they couldn't just sit down and talk about it like responsible adults, what if the conversation caused distress to the other?

So, instead, they sat next to each other at the staff table while everyone was eating in silence. Could everyone feel the awkwardness they had created? Of course they could, anyone could. They weren't exactly subtle.

As Lesso sat there slowly eating carrots Scripta was moving around her food on her plate, much to the annoyance of everyone else as she didn't bother lifting the fork and made loud scratching noises constantly.

Clarissa had enough of it when Lesso didn't even have anything on her fork when she lifted it to her mouth and Scripta made a particularly loud noise. "you two, what happened?"

They paused and looked at Clarissa but ignored her before looking down at their plates.

Emma was tempted to laugh at the good Dean's frustrated sigh but instead she went with teasing the adult toddlers. "Did you two make out or something? Honestly, it would be about time."

Leonora opted to ignore the history teacher but Scripta dropped her fork and gave her a large eyed stare. Emma looked Scripts directly in the eyes and tilted her head. “Scripta, what happened, please tell me you didn't. The child torturer of all people?”

Lesso looked up at the history teacher with a glare. “Beauty teacher, are you evers not taught that gossiping is not exactly considered good?”

Emma shrugged. “Not really gossip if it's true, red. Blame Scripta for that.”

Scripta slammed her fist on the table and looked at the good dean with nothing but pleading in her eyes. “Clarissa, please, can I talk to you outside? Alone?”

The fairy godmother nodded before standing up and holding out her hand towards the reader. “Yes, of course, if there's something you wish to discuss then I'm happy to listen.”

The history and special talents professors watched as the fairy godmother and reader left the room together before Emma looked at Lesso with a grin. “So, the new girl huh? Nice, she seems to like you also.”

The redhead turned to the brunette with a groan. “Learn your place, beauty teacher, this is not the time or place to be discussing things like this.”

She snorted and turned back to her food with a grin. “That means yes. Why are you being awkward though?”

Leonora practically growled at the annoying teacher. “Return to your food while you still have hands to eat with.”
She held up sadi hands in defeat before turning back to her potato with a small smirk.

It was a few more minutes before the fairy godmother returned with no Scripta in sight, Lesso looked at her and she got a slightly guilty look in response which triggered her in a way that confused her.

As the woman sat down she tried to avoid the stare she knew was being directed at her but Lesso just stood beside her chair looking down at the good dean. “Well? Where is our guest, princess? Has she suddenly turned invisible?”

Clarissa just stared at Emma for some sort of support but didn't receive any. “Well, she spoke to me about what happened between the two of you, and she asked if she could… stay on this side of the bridge for a bit to think things over.”

The redhead let out a dangerous breath next to her ear and smiled. “Well, that doesn't answer my question now does it, godmother?”

She shook her head and turned to face the other dean. “She's in her room, well, what's soon to be her room for the next week.”

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now