Chapter 7

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Scripta stood to the side of the room as the nevers took their seats. Each of them managed to get a glance at the reader and most of them either scoffed or laughed.

She looked away from the last one, Hester, as she pointed at the out of place curl. "God, you look like you've got princess hair."

The reader sighed as soon as they all sat down. She looked up at Leonora for any indication of what she was supposed to do and the cane was pointed at a lone chair at the back of the room. The reader shrugged and went to go when her movements were halted by a snigger.

She looked at the offending student with narrowed eyes and a frown. "Would you like to take my place?"

With the anger present in her voice she shut the never up and watched him as she sat done with one leg crossed over the other. She looked to the redhead for affirmation and found a silent woman stuck in contemplation.

The dean was silently watching as her cheeks went slightly pinker. What in the world was wrong with her? Why did that short circuit her brain? Why was she just staring at the woman?

The lesson continued when Lesso managed to focus on something other than the woman sitting looking at her with genuine interest. Of course, she should have realised that her grey eyes would be watching her for the entirety of her lesson.

She stood up and went in front of her desk holding her cane.

She sighed openly as the nevers finally looked at her. “As you can see, we have a guest joining us. This is Ms Smithson. Address her as such if you do not wish to face the doom room.”

The dean groaned as they took a look at her again. She stepped forward and slapped her cane down on Hort’s desk. “You, have your werewolf powers improved?”

He turned to her with a smile. “Yes actually, Lay Lesso, they have.”

She tilted her head and leant on her cane. “Well… We havent got all day to sit here waiting for nothing to happen. Get to it.”

He gulped as he stood up. This was followed by a large amount of groaning for a classroom room before a few airs appeared on the boys chest. “Sorry, Lady Lesso, with the schools combining i haven’t had time to-”

Her can slammed down on his desk again. “Find time. You are a student of evil, act like it.”

He shrunk back in his seat as the red head moved over to dot.

She lifted her head as her name was shouted, Scripta jumped at the sheer volume. Surely that wasn't needed for a classroom setting.

She grinned as she held onto her desk and turned it to chocolate. “Given your assignment… Anadil, rats.”

She jumped before summing a line of rats from a corner of the room. She lifted one of them up and gave it to Leonora as she held her hand out. The dean placed the rat on the desk and allowed it to eat a small snapped off piece.

After a few moments the rat passed out, the redhead rolled her eyes before placing a finger on it and groaning. “Not dead, but certainly something to work with.”

She turned to Hester with a simple nod. She stood up and uncovered her shoulder to let the demon peel itself away.

Scripta watched as it flew around the room before landing on the dean of evil's shoulder, she mused at the fact that her hair seemed to be flame retardant and let out a small chuckle at the thought.

They turned to her and Hester was about to turn her demon on the reader but Leonora held up her hand. “That will be all, Hester, you have shown increased control of it without the use of your hands. Sit back down.”

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now