Chapter 17

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Scripta watched the last group of evers leave the classroom for lunch.

Clarissa sat behind her desk watching as the reader tried to not look out the window at the other school. She tried, she could tell that the woman had really tried but when her thoughts won and she glanced at the school the fairy godmother saw the look of dread pass over her.

She walked over to the reader who just smiled up at her. She smiled back before she offered her hand out Scripta. "Scrip, would you care to go with me to the garden for lunch? It's rarely warm enough during the later months for it, but it's quite nice outside today."

Scripts took a glance to the window again but looked back up at the dean with a small smile. "I wouldn't mind, it does seem nice out there. Would you mind if we also went for a walk? My legs desperately need some movement."

She clapped her hands together. "Ooh, yes. That is an absolutely brilliant idea Scrip, my gardens look wonderful this time of year, i'm sure you would enjoy them."

She nodded before being pulled up to her feet and towards the door.

As they moved their way through the corridors of the school for good, Scripta looked around in wonder. As she read golden inscriptions on doors she could tell that they went past beautification then history of heroism and then animal communication.

Soon enough they came out to the gardens surrounding the school for good.

As Script looked around she could start to feel a small amount of calmness finally take over her for the first time that day. She looked toward a gazebo set up in the centre of a few beds. It looked like the entire female ever faculty was sitting around a round table eating what looked to be healthy foods as well as some desserts.

As they grew closer to the structure, Scripta looked to Clarissa and saw the small guilty smile. "You know, the way you said it made it sound like it would just be us. Not the entire female ever staff."

Clarissa cleared her throat. "Well, I think it would be nice if you met them seeing as you will be seeing them a lot during your stay here."

Scripta sighed, perhaps she should use her wondrous word and have her lunch with the Storian. Would Clarissa mind, I mean, she did seem to understand her current situation. Which was a bit weird, how could she know how she felt?

As she was about to say the Storian's name Emma called to her and waved with a smile. As much as she wanted to escape she also wanted to not look like a dick, so she plucked up her courage and waved back to the history teacher with a matching smile.

As the two women climbed the stairs to the structure, Clarissa wrapped an arm around her own and pulled her toward two empty chairs. Of course she had planned ahead. Of course she knew that she would accept the invitation because she needed a distraction.

Why did she say yes? She could have gone to the tower for food. She could have declined. Of course she didn't. Of course she had to be polite. Now she would have to sit and listen to them.

Who other than professor Emma fucking Anemone to bring up the one ting she was trying to avoid.

As she went to pick up a sandwich she caught her eye and mentally slapped herself, she knew that the woman had been looking for an excuse to bring up the dean. "So, Scripta, how have you been feeling since you tried to suck off Lesso's face."

The reader sighed as the table went quiet. "Well, Anemone, I am feeling quite exhausted. Seeing as you seem to be very interested in mine and the dean of evil's relationship. Care to explain?"

The history teacher frowned and grumbled. "It's not my fault that you let it slip, and I'm interested because red isn't known to be in any sort of relationship, let alone a reader who doesn't fit anywhere."

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