Chapter 28

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Lesso had been true to her word, she really did need that good night's sleep, because as soon as the sun rose on a beautiful Saturday the covers were ripped off of her and she was flung onto the floor.

A shout left her as she hit the floor and she looked up to find Lesso dressed and ready for the day. She thought anyway, where the hell were her glasses? She looked up at the dean with a frown as she pulled the robes further around herself.

Apparently the talking quill had neglected to mention the fact that she couldn't go without the robes, she could take them off whenever but as soon as another piece of clothing was put on they appeared overtop of them.

Lesso chuckled before her finger began to glow and suddenly Scripta was being dragged across the room until she was led at the dean’s feet. She looked at what was hopefully her face with a glare. “Come on, I haven't even got my glasses on, give me a break.”

Leonora grinned before leaning down using her cane so that she was squatting. She placed her hand under the tired reader’s chin to tilt her head up so that she could look her in the eyes. “I told you last night that my training would be difficult, I told you to get a good night's rest, it's not my fault that you were dreaming of me last night.”

Scripta frowned. “I was not dreaming of you before you interrupted it, it's different, besides, are you complaining?”

The redhead tilted her head before twirling her fingers and summoning the reader’s glasses for her. “I don't know, I must say, Rafal never did anything romantic. Especially not a romantic picnic on a hill under an apple tree. It was funny watching you be hit by a rogue apple.”

The reader grumbled as she placed the metal frames onto her ears and nose. “It had a personal vendetta against me I swear, it landed perfectly in the centre of my head too, are you sure it wasn't your magic?”

Leonora chuckled as she held out her hand to help the other woman up. “I have no idea what you mean, that was all you. Why would I ever do that? It's not like we were in the middle of an embarrassing conversation or anything.”

Scripta tilted her head and sighed before stretching. “Ah, of course, you were embarrassed by me asking about your sex life, fair enough. Now, am I allowed to get changed before you drag me to wherever?”

Lesso grinned with hooded eyes. “I wouldn't mind watching.”

Scripta glared. “I would, now, give me some clothing so that i can use your bathroom.”

The dean rolled her eyes. “You have magic and your own clothing, wear it.”

“Don't you like me wearing your clothing? I know you do, dont lie.”

The dean cleared her throat before wandering to the door. “I don't know what you're on about. Now, i have a wardrobe, find something if you must, i will be waiting in my office. If there is nothing else…”

She left and SCripta stared at the door for a few moments until she heard another door slam shut, she was left alone in Lesso’s room… alone. Perfect.

She walked over to the wardrobe and picked up the crisp white blouse that she knew would go with the only pair of trousers that would fit her. Then she plucked up a pair of black socks and teleported her black flats, a simple outfit that would be good for training. Whatever training with Lesso would entail.

The stacks of clothing in her arms were thrown onto the practically striped bed before she wandered around the room looking at the items she had strewn about the place with glee. The perfect way to get to know her, kind of, she couldn't move anything without the dean inevitable noticing but she could still look.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now