Chapter 22

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Scripta swayed her feet as she sat on the edge of Leonora's desk. "Why am I here during my lunch? Shouldn't I be across the bridge?"

Lesso sighed as she looked up at the reader from her notebook. "Unfortunately for me, I rather enjoy your company and it helps me focus. You will be back with Emma for beautification soon enough, Besides, I need you here. I have something that I'd like to try."

The reader gave her a tilt of the head. "Try what exactly."

Leonora smiled sweetly as she held her hand out toward the woman. "Hold on, do not let go until I tell you to. No matter what."

Scripta was cautious as she followed the instruction. "Okay, what happens now?"

The dean grinned before grasping onto the reader's wrist to keep her there. "You will sit there and listen to every word that leaves my mouth. You will not miss any. Understood?"

The reader gave her a nervous nod.

"You are incredible. I would love nothing more than to throw you down on this very desk and kiss you until you're begging for my touch. I would love to touch all of you, form your hands to your stomach to even... your insides. Hm, does that sound delightful, darling?

Scripta tried to pull her wrist away as she could feel her skin growing uncomfortably warm.

"Oh, i wouldn't want to disobey my very strict instructions, i wouldn't want to have to punish you. Though, perhaps, you would enjoy that. The thought of being bent over this desk or even my bed as I make sure you won't be able to sit for days."

The reader looked down at the desk's surface.

"don't get all embarrassed now. Everything happens in due time. Eventually I'll have you sprawled across my duvet with a dripping core and moans flowing from your mouth like it's a fountain. You will be begging for me like I am your saviour."

Leonora slowly lifted herself from her chair and grinned at the reader when she saw her shift.

"Darling Princey, what would you like me to do to you first? I could tie you to my bed and leave you there for hours. I could have my way with you right here and now over this desk. I could pleasure you until it becomes too much so that I can delight in your whimpers. That sounds like a pleasant start."

She let her hand trace the woman's side as she finally started to feel the heat in the hand.

"I would love to feel all of you. Your breasts, your thighs, your lips. Everything. The thought of touching and perhaps even marking what now belongs to me is such an exhilarating thought. Could you imagine the carnage if someone saw a particularly dark mark I'd left on you. You'd enjoy it though, wouldn't you?"

She grasped the woman's chin and turned her head towards herself and grinned. She could feel it starting to become uncomfortable but not enough to burn her, not yet.

"You would squirm and try to get away from whoever had seen my claim but deep down you would be happy... Perhaps even proud. You would be glad that someone was aware that you're taken and that you enjoy being marked by none other than the Dean of evil. You wouldn't even deny the claim."

As she let out a squeak like noise her heat finally managed to catch up and the redhead pulled away in pain. "That took far longer than expected."

Scripta looked down in embarrassment. "fuck you."

Lesso chuckled as she reached for her cane. "Later, dear, right now I would like to try out something else to do with your talent. Besides, clearly if we're going to fuck I need to wear gloves. Either that or you get a hold of your heat."

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now