Chapter 5

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This time Leonora woke up first again, because apparently Scripta didn't wake up before dawn like a regular villain, and found herself looking at the passed out form of the stranger in her bed.

Was she really a stranger though? She actually knew more about her than the professors in the other school. Perhaps her own as well given how she was reluctant to freely give out information about herself.

Yet, this woman had somehow pulled it out of her with little resistance, practically with just a single question, and she found herself not particularly minding. Perhaps there was a reason that the reader had weasled her way into her life.

She ran her hand over the hair covering the woman;s face, as she moved the white streak from Scripta's face she felt the woman exhale onto her hand. She felt her entire nervous system shake as that stupid feeling clawed its way from the depths again.

She calmed herself with closed eyes to keep herself from getting excited from a natural thing that humans do. By the name of the Storian she was fucked if breathing shocked her awake like that.

Leonora decided to get up and ready for the day as she knew that she couldn't get back to sleep with that thing taking up half her bed.

She chuckled to herself as she watched the face Sripta pulled when the hand on her left realised she wasn't pulling on Leonora's shirt anymore.

The Dean walked over to the sleeping reader and pushed the hair out of her face before her hand grasped onto. It didn't burn her this time which again made her think. Was it only when she was touched against her will that she burned her offender?

That was something she would have to ask about later on today.

Though one thing was going through her mind, she needed to change and wake up the passed out skunk taking up her bed.

She went back over to her wardrobe and took out the same clothing that she wore practically everyday. Leonora looked back at the reader and snorted as her arm fell in front of her face, could that woman sit still for more than two minutes?

The dean went into the other room and came back a few moments later with freshly dired and puffed hair and clean clothes. This time she found the woman with her top half over the edge of the bed.

She smirked to herself before going over to her kneeling down, she placed her forehead against the warmer woman's. She closed her eyes and exhaled once before the reader sprang away from her delightful dream of being back home with Olivia.

Scripta looked at the dean with distaste as she sat up properly in the bed.

Leonora practically cackled at the look she received before sitting on the edge of her bed. "So, Princey, would you like to tell me who that was?"

The reader looked off to the side. "Noone you need to know about."

The dean gave the reader a grin and a death stare. "Hm, that blush states otherwise, but I won't pry. After all, I don't really care."

Scripta looked at Leonora with narrowed eyes. "There's no way that you don't really care. I can see the daggers you're digging into me."

The redhead scoffed at the reader. "You're imagining things, probably because you haven't got your glasses on."

Scripta gave her a look but shrugged. "You're probably right, I mean, why would you be annoyed at a person you haven't met?"

Leonora looked away from her, she had said too much. "Perhaps we should begin getting ready for the day. Go and wash that hair of yours while I prepare some clothing for you."

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