Chapter 41

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The sun shone down on the five women gathered in the library, Scripta and Leonora on one side of the table with Clarissa, Emma and Uma on the other.

A cool mid-October morning which was perfect for having a small talk about the new students and the new school year. The five of them had accidentally started this little thing a few months ago but they enjoyed it, some more reluctantly than others.

Scripta picked up a biscuit from the centre and leaned back with a smile. “So, Claire, how are you finding the new school?”

The fairy godmother smiled. “I dont think ive ever worked so closely with a never before, let alone Lesso.”

The never gasped with mock offence. “Is it because you do not like us? I never thought the fairy godmother would be able to hate.”

Scripta chuckled, Emma snorted and Uma smiled as Clarissa flushed slightly. “It is not that I hate, or hated, you, I just… felt mildly annoyed whenever you were around.”

Lesso laughed. “The feeling was mutual, princess. Now I just feel meh, you don't evoke any feeling from me.”

The women chuckled as the door opened. They looked toward it to find Olvia stood with her hands on her hips and a scowl. Scripta looked down and Leonora looked away, but Clarissa decided to ignore and smile at her. “Something wrong, dear?”

She snorted and the blonde dean flinched slightly. “Yes, there is. You're the problem.”

The other women looked at Olivia with confusion. Scripta raised an eyebrow. “What's wrong, bun. What has Claire done?”

She walked to the table and slammed her hands down. “It's not what she’s done, it's what she hasn't done. My name wasn't on her class list.”

Lesso turned to Clarissa with confusion. “I thought that you had said you'd done it.”

Clarissa faltered. “I said that I was going to do it, right after I did my other list. I was going in alphabetical order. My defence against dark magic class was first, then it was my… oh, sorry Liv.”

Olivia sighed. “Please tell me I'm not…”

Uma tilted her head in confusion. “So what if you're in defence against dark magic, i would say that it sounds more fun than good deeds.”

At her flush Emma leaned over to whisper in Uma’s ear. “Jack isn’t in defence against dark magic. She misses her boyfriend.”

Olivia crossed her arms. “I am still annoyed that we have to wait. Mom married at nineteen. What's wrong with sixteen?”

Lesso sighed. "You know that I am uncomfortable with it… Is that not enough?"

Scripta crossed her arms. "Liv, I agree with your mother. Give it two years, things may change… You're a hormonal teenager. For lack of a better phrase, shit can and probably will happen. We have no issue with Jack, if that's what you're worried about, we just want you to be a little older."

Olivia sniffed in annoyance. "I guess I can finish school first… I still don't know what I want to do when I leave… Any ideas?"

Scripta flicked her wrist to pull a chair out next to Leonora and the blonde student made her way over. Lesso piped up first. "You could become a proper villain. Would be nice if you had a story too."

Anemone chuckled. "Oh please, Red. Olivia shows far too many ever traits to be a proper villain. Perhaps an evil vigilante of some sort?"

Dovey shook her head. "No, no, no. She is far too kind for that. She is in my good deeds class for a reason. Perhaps she could be an evil fairy godmother? Helping villains with wishes. I would be willing to train her."

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