Chapter 10

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Scripta sighed as she pulled the blanket further around herself, for all the things she'd heard from Dovey about his place she definitely appreciated the covers. She let her eyes close as she basked in the coolness of the room. Her heat was enough to keep herself warm.

She let her head lull back into the pillow and let her mind wander before her dreams overtook her.

Her dreams were of a gorgeous black and white ball and her in the middle of the room dancing with some random prince as they moved in tandem through the large hall covered in large bunting and flower arrangements decorating tables of food to the side of the room.

She recognised the dance, of course she did as she always had this dream on this day, and just let her body move on its own.

As she was swung around with her ballgown swinging from her hips she thought to herself. Why did she have to do this every year? Wasn't the day itself enough of a reminder? Six years in a row was definitely considered a tradition.

She bowed her head into the prince's chest for a few moments before her head was lifted by slim fingers. She looked up to find Lesso staring back at her with a raised brow.

The reader stared back with a blank look which confused the Dean. She just pulled herself in closer. "we have to finish this..."

The redhead shook her head but found she couldn't move. What? That wasn't possible? She could control the dreams that she invaded, couldn't she? She usually had full control of her body, why was this different?

She gulped as she was forced to move her way around the room to the beat of the classical music coming from the band situated on the stage. "What in the world is going on? Why are we here? Why can't I move on my own?"

The reader just sighed. "You're able to move your head and free arm but other than that you'll move with the dance so that its perfect. You physically can't fail."

The redhead just nodded her head as she spun Scripta around and let her dip slightly. "Would you like to tell me what we're doing here?"

The reader nodded towards the stage and Leonora turned her head towards it to find a woman standing there in a deep burgundy dress that reached the floor and covered her arms completely. A completely normal dress for this type of setting.

Her mask though was absolutely terrifying.

A plain white one with painted on black lips and cut out eyes so that the dean could see her blacked out eyes. She let a chill crawl through her as the woman pointed at her and the music instantly stopped.

The redhead pulled away from Scripta as soon as a light was pointed on them and only them. The reader looked up at the woman with fear and shook her head violently as tears started to sprout from her lashes. Lesso gulped as she could feel her skin becoming far too warm.

She looked to her dance partner for help but just saw the look of pure pain as she was being held onto by their joined hands.

Her skin started to bubble as it was being burned and Leonora screamed in pain. Scripta looked blankly at what she was doing as if she was used to this and just waited for the pain to subside.

The redhead just held onto her arm as the bone was revealed and the flesh dripped to the floor. She let her eyes close and darkness surrounded her as she saw the tears slipping down the reader's face.

She shot up in bed as she tried to mentally recover from what she had just experienced. Why wasn't she in control like she normally was? What was that dream about? Who was that woman? Why was she crying and sweating? Was Scripta okay?

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now