Chapter 33

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"You want me to kidnap a child!?"

The quill jostled a bit before moving closer to her with a chuckle. "Well, the school needs new students, your story is finished and readers make the best characters. Besides, it's one of your duties."

Scripta scoffed. "kidnapping children is one of my duties? Honestly, this position was made up I swear. What else have I got to do? Stab the children too?"

At the quill's silence Scripta raised an eyebrow. "ex-fucking-scuse me? I have to stab them? Why on Earth would I do that!?"

The quill awkwardly chuckled. "Do you remember when you were stabbed by Lesso? It's your job to do that for readers who come in late. Now, the stymphs."

Scripta sighed. "the what?"

The Storian chuckled. "Do you remember when you were thrown through Lesso's window? Well, the bird thing is called a stymph. In Gavaldon they appear as if made of branches to camouflage, here they are made of bone."

The reader glared at her. "Let me guess, I have to control one to be able to pick a child?"

At the quill's silence she groaned. "how? How the fuck am I supposed to do that!? I'm guessing that they're students too, just like Serena."

The Storian chuckled. "It doesn't matter what they were, all that matters is that they can cross between the two worlds, they take students because they can bring them safely. Your wand will tell them who you are, they will listen to you."

Scripta sighed. "and how in the fuck am I supposed to cross the barrier?"

The quill's magic appeared around her hand before the reader could feel cool wood, she looked down to find a wand. Well, what she supposed was a wand, it looked similar to Clarissa's so it had to be.

She looked at the feather and held the wand. "How do I use this then? Wave it and see what happens, or do I need the magic of fucking friendship?"


Scripta rolled her eyes. "Do I draw a circle in the air, whisper magic words, thrust it at something, tell it my hopes and dreams and pray that it works, or do I need a true love's kiss?"

"how you managed to be incorrect each time I don't know."

The reader groaned. "Why do I even need a wand? Rafal didn't."

The quill awkwardly floated for a few moments. "Well, Rafal's talent was to switch between worlds at will, I need you to do that but giving you that magic would overflow your body's maximum. You would die a lonely, miserable, painful death."

Scripta's eyes widened slightly. "could you tell me how to work it, please?"

The Storian hummed. "Well, stop being mean, say something nice to me, and I will tell you. Or would you rather look like a fool?"

Scripta crossed her arms with a sniff. "You look very nice today. Clean, fluffy, feathery?"

The quill cackled. "Oh, you can do better than that, come on, put your heart into it."

The reader coughed before smiling at her gently. "Quilly, you are incredible, you make me smile, laugh, feel good about myself. I wouldn't be where I am without you. Happy?"

She heard a chuckle before she was surrounded by golden magic and she was thrown rather violently through something, well, it felt like it. As she felt solid ground beneath her she fell to her knees with a sigh of relief. She had never been more grateful to feel dirt before.

Then she groaned with her face toward the night sky. "Fuck you Quilly, didn't even teach me how to use the fucking wand. Fuck you and everything you stand for! Fuck this, fucking jidnappy children. Fuck this job, fuck my life and the fucking school. Everyone fucking in it too!"

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now