Chapter 35

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Dinner had come and gone with a flurry of rumours about the new reader.

Who was she? Why was there a fourth one? How did she arrive? Which side was she on? She looked like an ever but was really a never, was she another Sopjie? No, she seemed to embrace her neverness. She was an enigma that the school was talking about.

Olivia had left with Lesso after their experience in the dinner hall, she had called for her and they had walked away from a confused Dovey. Past the stares, whispers and the careful eyes of concerned professors.

Once they had reached the bridge Leonora had sighed in relief before pulling the reader along with her to the tower in the centre of the bridge, she gave her a smirk before stepping onto the edge.

The blonde stepped forward with genuine concern. “What are you doing? You aren't going to jump, are you?”

The redhead cackled. “No, I may have thoughts but I would never actually do it. Not anytime soon anyway, your mother is the thing keeping my feet on the bridge and not on the rocks.”

Olivia chuckled nervously. “Yeah, um, maybe do you want to talk to someone about that? I am pretty sure that thoughts like that aren't normal.”

Lesso rolled her eyes before placing her foot out and having the steps appearing, she really did need to see if they could have permanent steps put in place. These ones always caused her anxiety to rise a little.

She turned to Olivia and held her hand out, this was definitely causing flashbacks to her first day with Scripta. There was no doubt about who the girl's mother was, she could tell just by looking at her but her mannerisms and personality definitely added to it. Was white hair genetic on Scripta’s side? It seemed like it.

Scripta has white streaks and Olivia’s hair is completely white. It seemed to follow, Scarlett was said to have had bright red hair like her own so she doubted that it came from her side of the family.

As they started to climb the stairs Leonora’s mind began to run away from her and she started to imagine what possible children would look like with Scripta. She knew that having a child at her age would be hard and a lot of work but letting her mind meander was a good thing to do if you didn't want to listen to the whinging of your child as she followed you up the stairs.

Would their child have black hair, brown hair, red hair or white hair? There was a chance of all of them since Lesso’s own mother and father had been brunettes. What would their eye colour be?  Grey, blue, brown, green? Would they have a dark personality or a lighter one like Scripta?

Would they follow in their sisters and mothers steps to become a never or follow Scripta and be stuck in the middle without a side?

If they were female, would they end up a princess, lady, fairy godmother, ordinary person or a villainess? SHe would be incredibly proud if their future daughter became what she always wanted to be, she would watch with glee as she tore apart kingdoms and made them her own.

If they were male they would obviously be taught how to respect women and see them as equals, just like the nevers were already taught. Though she supposed the fact that their dean was a female helped with that. Unlike with Dovey’s school where boys were taught to see women as delicate trophies to be protected, like they couldn't defend themselves.

Her mind went from their gender to their sexuality. What if their future son ended up attracted to the same sex, Lesso didn't think she could handle that. I mean, two men, under her roof, that she had to respect. She would have to pretend that the thought of their child liking men wasnt disgusting to her.

Who would ever be attracted to men? Those vile creatures were self obsessed jerks who saw themselves as kings. They collected women like prizes and used them until they saw them as holding no more worth. Horrid things. Though, she supposed, if he was with men then he wasn't using women for his own selfish gain, she could deal with that.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now