Chapter 11

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Leonora waited at her desk for the reader to enter, she hadn't forgotten their plans had she? No, she was simply getting dressed, or doing her makeup, or selecting which paper and quill to take with her today.

The dean tried to calm herself by sipping on her tea. She had made one with milk and sugar and the other with just sugar. That was something strange about the woman. Her thing with anything dairy related. She'd heard about something like that with an ever of Dovey's a few months back.

She just sighed as she now watched the door and listened for any type of movement from the other side. Nothing. She tried to keep her mind off of the conversation they had just had but her mind didn't listen to her as usual. Great.

For some reason, the fact that she had killed someone seemed very strange to Lesso which she still didn't know why. The amount of people she had killed was enough to put her singular kill to shame, but, coming from Scripta... it just seemed weird.

She let her mind go back to the reader's final statement too. She groaned as she remembered the look of disgust on her face. God, of all the women that could have been her awakening it had to be the reader's mother. She chuckled as she remembered the look of pure shock, that was something she wanted to recreate.

Just as she was about to brainstorm ideas she could hear the sound of Scripta's bedroom door being opened and closed. She opened the door with a flick of her finger which made the reader jump before letting out a very annoyed groan.

She made her way towards the open door to find Lesso sat in her office, behind her desk and with her regular clothing on once again, minus the coat, and she was met with a small smile.

The outfit of Scripta's choice was a ankle length, long sleeved, black, flowing, sheer dress over top of a knee length, short sleeved, open necked deep grey dress that hugged her hips. She had worn the same heels as the day before and a black flower in her hair on a headband made of vines.

She took in the makeup look with deep pride, she really did look like a never. A simply red lip was paired with gorgeously dark grey eye shadow and wings sharp enough to kill a man. Her hair complemented it nicely as it was let free to tumble just past her shoulders.

She pointed to the chair in front of her desk and Scripta moved to sit quickly and obediently. The den let a small smirk grace her features but it was gone when the reader looked back up at her.

Scripta gave her a small smile. "So, are you going to feed more or just keep staring at my chest like that?"

The dean lent her elbows on the desk and placed her head in her hands. "First, I'd like you to answer one of my questions?"

The reader groaned and looked at her rather annoyed. "And what if i don't feel like answering you?"

The dean tilted her head with a grin. "Then i'll let you starve."

The reader just smiled politely at the redhead. "You wouldn't do that to me, you like me far too much."

Leonora just clicked her tongue against her cheek. "Oh really? Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night. Now, my question, were you aware of your talent before coming here?"

The reader thinned her lips and rolled her eyes. Of course they had to get personal this early in the morning. "Yes, I was aware of my heat, I am still unaware if I can reverse it though as i didn't know it was possible before reading that textbook."

The dean nodded solely to herself and looked at Scripta with a small amount of guilt. "Would you like to ask me any questions, darling?"

The reader was unimpressed with the term of endearment as the pain in the ass had literally just seen her most traumatic moment but whatever, it was too early to be dealing with this kind of bullshit. "Yeah, your cane. Do you need it constantly?"

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now