Chapter 39

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Jack felt himself go stiff as he sat across a table from Lesso and Scripta. They gave him a nod before they turned to the door, splitting them from Deauville’s shop. They could hear the townlead talking with the old woman in a not so hushed voice.

Scripta sighed as he started getting louder. “You are keeping them here? Together? Are you mad!? What if she tries to kill her again? Our village prides itself on being a safe place, I do not want to hear that Scarlett has been stabbed again. You hear me!? Get her under control!”

A door slammed shut and both women flinched. Leonora tilted the brunette’s chin upward, after they turned to face each other, so that she could look at her properly. She vaguely saw Jack’s shock before she went to whisper to Scripta. “Dear, maybe I should tell him.”

Scripta gave her a blank look before shrugging. “Up to you.”

Leonora went to talk to Jack before Deauvilel opened the door carrying a tray with tea on it, she gave the room a bright smile. “Well, that’s sorted, you can stay here tonight and leave tomorrow morning once your energy is back.”

Jack looked toward Scripta in confusion. “You're leaving again?

Lesso went to speak up but she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder from Deauville. “Yes, they are both leaving, and, I believe that ‘Scarlett’ has something to tell you.”

The redhead thinned her lips and looked toward Scripta for help, she just lifted her cup to her lips with a sharp smile. She nodded toward Jack and Leonora gave in. “Fine, Jack, I lied to you, I am not Scarlett, my name is Leonora, I am not Scripta’s dead wife, there, happy?”

Deauville gave her a full smile. “Immensely, Jack, are you alright, would you like to go and lie down upstairs?”

He shook slightly where he sat. “Yeah, um, if you don't mind.”

As the bookshop owner moved around the table to help him up a thud was heard as his head hit the table, she hissed as she saw the mark it had left before she looked to the other women for help.

Leonora looked to Scripta. “I would like to speak to Deauville, would you mind taking him upstairs, I'm sure you've learned basic levitation at this point?”

The schoolmaster looked away guiltily. “Um yeah, I have. Do you happen to remember being knocked into the lake by a flying Dovey? That may have possibly not been her fault entirely.”

The redhead stared her down before pointing at the door far more aggressively than intended. The brunette got the message and started moving toward the boy with a glowing finger tip and a forced smile. “Of course darling, you should have just said so.”

She starts to lift him off of the seat with a bit more effort than she thought. Why was this fucker so heavy? She heaved him up and looked at the grin on Lesso's face with a frown. "You are so lucky I love you, fucker."

She had a mocking kiss blown her way as she muttered her way out of the door and toward the stairs. A huff was heard as she pushed the boy up ahead of her.

Leonora turned to Deauville as she sat down with a hum. She lifted her cup before speaking to the brunette. "So, has she behaved herself while she's been here?"

The shopkeeper chuckled. "Depends, in terms of Scripta she has been wonderful, compared to other normal house guests… There is something to be desired."

The redhead was nonchalant as she skimmed her nail around the rim of the cup. "What is left to be desired? Perhaps her in your bed?"

Deauville froze and the dean cackled. She unfroze enough to place her hands onto the table and give her as polite a smile as she could manage. "How do you know about that?"

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