Chapter 2

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Leonora shut down all of the readers' attempts at asking her any questions, she could already feel her feet start to ache and she didn't want to add her head to it as well.

Why on Earth did she think that having her classroom and office so far away was a good idea? She could have had one on the second floor but no, she just had to be special and decided having one of the towers to herself would secure a statement that she was important.

As if, her feet were certainly annoyed at her decision.

The dean had to stop for a few moments as they reached the second floor. The woman paused with her as her feet were starting to ache as well, they both sat on one of the small bench type seats dotted around the castle. One of the only remaining ones that had not suffered a burn mark or acid attack from reckless students.

Lesso made sure to keep as much distance between her and the living headache that decided sitting next to the dean of evil was a good idea. The reader chuckled quietly and decided to test her boundaries by pushing her thigh outward so it was touching the redhead's.

Leonora pulled her thigh closer in but could only go so far before they were touching again.

The woman grinned before pressing herself right up against her side. The Dean grimaced as she felt the soft fabric of the reader's dress rubbing against the cotton of her trousers. The redhead decided that this woman was not going to get away with annoying her and practically rubbing herself against her side.

Lesso grabbed a fist full of the reader's hair and pulled it so that the woman was practically on her lap. She gasped before looking at Leonora with uncertainty, what in the world was her motive? THe dean gave her a tilt of the head and a small frown.

"I thought you wanted the close proximity with how you were pushing for it, why have you gone stiff? Im only giving you what you want"

The woman smiled tightly and moved her hand to the one still latched onto her hair, she knew it was a threat so that she wouldn't pull away after annoying the redhead. The reader collapsed her hand around Lessos's and gave her such a girlish giggle that the dean thought she was pretending to be a princess.

"Oh darling, I just want to hold your hand."

Leonora gave herself a mental slap as she felt those long fingers wrap around her own and start to warm them up. The reader had a far too charming smile for her liking, or perhaps too much to her liking, so the dean decided to lean closer to her and hold the reader's chin in her other hand as her cane led against the bench.

She grinned as she felt the woman tense up as we nearing her ear. "Dear, you could have just asked." The reader laughed quietly to herself before leaning into the hand clutching her face with as heartfelt of a smile as she could manage.

"I just thought that the dean of evil would be against a stranger giving her affection, or anybody at that."

The dean chuckled. "Well, usually, you would be right, however, something about getting a reaction out of you is quite entertaining to me." The woman grinned before lifting their joint hands and kissing the back of Lesso's.

Lesso smiled as she felt the heat travel through her, she really did envy the warmth of the good castle as it got into the colder months of the year. Perhaps she could lower her guard in front of this stranger, it wasn't like she had anyone in this world to tell seeing as she was dropped through her office window only a few moments ago.

They both relaxed slightly as the woman began to think. "What classes are taught in these schools?" Leonora looked at the woman with a twinge of suspicion. It was a completely unprompted question after all.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now