Chapter 6

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Scripta was forced to let go as they came to large double doors.

Leonora glared at the reader to try and get her to make herself more presentable and she was successful, almost. She sighed with her eyes closed for a long moment before walking over to the woman so that she could tuck one of the curls back into the right place.

"look presentable."

Scripta frowned. "Really? I thought evil was supposed to be ugly."

The dean raised her eyebrow. "Princey, that would be true if you and I didn't exist."

The reader looked at Leonora with a small smirk. "Did you really just compliment yourself as well as me? Can't say that I disagree, it's just that it does seem a bit shallow."

The dean chuckled as she opened the doors to reveal the other staff sat at a large table in the centre of a large hall decorated in weapons. "Im evil darling, it's in the description."

The woman rolled her eyes as she stepped in behind the dean to gaze at the others in the room.

She looked from the uglification professor to the henchman training professor with a slight interest. Did the school for evil just collect goths for the fun of it because just looking at them she could tell that they didn't get along.

The red head walked to the head of the table and sat down. Scripta just stood beside her and looked at the confused and judgmental gazes she was getting from the staff.

Leonora cleared her throat. "As you can see, we have an unexpected guest. This is Miss Smithson, and you will address her as such."

She heard a cough to her left and looked at the reader with confusion. "Actually, I'm Ms."

Leonora's eyes widened and she coughed to get rid of the awkwardness taking over her veins. "Yes, yes, whatever. Now, she will be with me for the first day but with you creatures whenever i say. Understood?"

There was rumble among the others and Leonora seemed to take that as an agreement. "Well, that was all, now, I suggest you get to the hall for food."

There was the scraping of chairs as the annoyed professors left the room with glances thrown at Scripta. She just scoffed and moved further into the room so that she was sat next to Lesso.

The dean looked at the reader with curiosity and her hands joined beneath her chin with her elbows against the table. "First impressions?"

The woman chuckled with a small smile. "Well, your staff certainly have a shared personality and style, but something tells me that they don't exactly get along."

The redhead nodded slightly. "You're not wrong, you should see them with the evers, it's like they're about to fight constantly."

The reader chuckled. "You never explained to me what a never is."

The dean chuckled herself. "Yes, well, I didn't much appreciate you interrupting my quiet time. A never is another name for a villain. An ever is a hero."

Scripta nodded. "Okay, your world really relies on the separation of evers and nevers, doesn't it?"

Leonora nodded. "Yes, it did. However, Professor Dovey and I are now in charge of merging the schools to the best of our ability to try and break down the black and white of our world. Breaking down hundreds of years of stereotypes and hatred is really tiring."

The reader nodded. "Anyway , enough talk about schools. Can we go and get breakfast?"

The redhead smiled before lifting up her glowing finger and swished it for a few moments before two plates of food appeared on the table in front of the women.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now