Chapter 13

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Scripta was awoken by shifting on the other side of the bed. When had she fallen asleep?

She looked over to find Lesso rocking as she had her own arms wrapped around her torso. "Lesso, Villy, are you alright?"

The dean's eyes shot open and met the grey ones looking at her with concern. "What the fuck are you doing in my bed?"

The reader thinned her lips and closed her eyes for a few moments before giving the redhead a nervous smile. "Well, dear, you got drunk last night, very drunk, and drunk you dragged me to bed. She's a very aggressive cuddler."

The dean looked absolutely star stricken and watched the woman like a hawk as she slowly moved her own hair out of her face. "I don't like to cuddle. Do not mention it again."

The reader chuckled as she ran her hand through the black and white mess. "Of course not, besides, it's not like it's the first time I've woken up in your bed."

The redhead just sighed before turning her back to the reader. She knew it was sometime early in the morning. Considering that she would have gotten drunk at around six or seven and drunk her only slept for three tops, she knew that she needed the sleep to help with the headache thrumming away.

Scripta just rolled her eyes at the childish behaviour before turning onto her back. "Do you want me to go back to my room? What time is it anyway? It feels way too damn early to be awake."

Leonora rolled her eyes as well and looked at the reader over her shoulder. "You may as well stay here, we shared a bed before and I don't want you getting frostbite out in the corridor."

Scripta just nodded before pulling the duvet over herself more. "my other question?"

The redhead groaned and summoned her watch from the cost that was for some reason in the same room. Hadn't she been drinking in her office? Whatever, she was too hungover for this utter bullshit. A quick glance at the pocket watch under the streak of moonlight being cast over the bed revealed it to be nine thirty.

For the love of fuck, why could she just sleep for the night after drinking?

The dean turned into her back and looked at the small smile on Scripta's stupidly good looking face. "firstly, it's nine thirty and secondly, is that my fucking shirt?"

Scripta bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing and just nodded. "drunk you gave it to me to try and convince me to stay here."

Leonora sighed. Given what she had been told by Clarissa about what she was like drunk, that seemed entirely possible. She looked at the reader with a look of utter discontent. "sleep, before I knock your fucking lights about and you're slepoing with the wish fish instead."

Scripta gave her a lopsided smile. "Can we cuddle?"

As the dean held up a fist the reader retraced her steps. "Sorry, sorry. Kidding. I'll just pass out a reasonable distance away from you and sleep with my arms tucked away so that I can't touch you while you're asleep."

The reader held back a laugh at the utter disgust on the dean's face. "Please do not touch me while I'm asleep."

Scripta just nodded as she turned her back to the Dean and shifted as far across the bed as she could comfortably get. Leonora thinned her lips and sighed before reaching out and touching the reader's back. "What else did I do while drunk?"

Scripta grinned as she flipped around to look at Lesso. "You confessed that you like my hugs."

The dean just nodded while the reader quietly chuckled. "You also kissed me."

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now