Chapter 37

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Olivia smiled as she saw Lesso appear from behind the tree, they had been left alone in the forest as Scripta had been called away by the Storian for something while the three had been in the woods for a walk.

The two walked in silence for a few moments as they made their way back toward the school. “So, Lesso, how has my mom been treating you?”

The redhead frowned. “She has been treating me fine, some of the never staff have been far too smug though since we told them. They're always mentioning her in front of me in hopes of flustering me, I hate that it actually works sometimes. The evers have been a small touch more cautious towards me. I find that bit more entertaining.”

The blonde chuckled. “I can imagine, everyone lost it when they found that my mothers were to be wed. I mean, two women cannot possibly care for each other and have a successful marriage as a man and a woman. It goes against human nature.”

Both of them chuckled at the blonde's mocking tone before Olivia turned to her with a brilliant smile, Lesso could tell where she had gotten it from. No matter, she could still pass on her smirk to the girl. The girl turned back to the path they were walking down.

“How are the rule changes going? I hope that you are planning on implementing your ever never lessons, I would love to take good deeds with Dovey, has she really gone feral?”

Lesso tucked her arms behind her and chuckled. “Yes, she really has, during the last meeting she went at one of the teachers, from her side no less, about how to treat people. I wouldn't take her class if I were you. I want you a perfectly evil never, after all. Taking good deeds will only sully all the hard work I'm going to put into making you as evil as I physically can.”

Olivia snorted. “Please, you can try, but I'm already pretty evil. I even stole candy from a baby, you could hear the crying across the village. I don't think there is much more evil you can pump into my veins, I'm like you, evil to the world, but behind closed doors with the people I care about, I'm the sweetest little angel you have ever met.”

The redhead snorted. “Please, I am not sweet, not with anyone, your mother is a maybe but i wouldn't even call myself sweet with her. Pleasant, maybe. I feel as if that fits better, say, why don't you take beautification as your extra curricular? I feel as if we need more beautiful villains such as myself.”

The blonde tilted her head toward the dean and smiled at her. “I think I can manage taking beautification, all the gorgeous dresses and the makeup, I feel as if I would fit right in. “

The dean could feel bile in the back of her throat at the mere mention of the word dress. “No, bad idea, you are not becoming another Sophie, I've had enough of her to last me a lifetime. I refuse to see you in a ballgown either. You are a never, please, for all that is unholy, act like it. No daughter of mine will be caught dead looking like a princess.”

Olivia chuckled. “I'm your daughter now? Not planning on grounding me anytime soon, are you? I've done some pretty mean things, I almost pushed Hort over the bridge yesterday.”

Lesso held back a grin. “I know, I saw, the poor boy has refused to be in the same room as you since.”

The blonde flicked her hair over her shoulder. “What can I say? I live to impress. Now, with the rules on dress codes being looked over do you think that mom would let me get away with wearing a tiara?”

She dodged a light flick to the forehead with a chuckle. “What? It was a simple question. Do you? I was thinking silver with a blood red gem in the middle, I could even wear it to uglification and watch Manley be pissed.”

Lesso held back a smile. “Language, no, I am not allowing you to step foot in my school with an atrocious piece of metal on your head. Can we talk about something else, something that is not about the school and we actually have in common.”

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