Chapter 42

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"Leo, listen to me, you have done nothing wrong."

The dean still refused to look her in the eye, even as she held her hands to her cheeks. She sighed before clicking her tongue.

"Leo, you're aware of the date, correct?"

The redhead nodded subtly. Of course she was, she had been counting the days until she could ask her.

"Leo, please tell me you remember what happened on this date last year."

She thought back, it wasn't their anniversary any time soon. They weren't together this time last year, she remembered stilp being weirded out by her. She shook her head.

"Leo, I told you what happened to Scarlett this time last year. Well, in the morning it will be a year exactly."

She looked down with thinned lips. "I'm an idiot. Sorry."

Scripta chuckled as she managed to nudge Leonora's face to look back at her. "Yes, but you are my idiot. Thank you for showing that you didn't like what I said."

Lesso chucked with a small smile. "I acted like a child banned from the cookie jar."

The schoolmaster shrugged. "oh well, I would have reacted the same. I enjoy sleeping in your bed, I just, in case it gets bad, I would rather be alone."

The redhead frowned. "can I atleast…?"

Scripta shook her head. "No, I would prefer it if you didn't show up in my dream. I would rather if I didn't end up burning you again."

Lesso sighed. “Fine, one night. I want you back in my bed after that.”

The brunette nodded as she brought the dean’s hand up to her lips so she could kiss the back of it. “One night. Now, please could you go so I can get ready for bed. I need to mentally prepare myself.”

Leonora frowned. “I expect you to tell me how this dream goes, even if it's bad. I like knowing what is going on in that head.”

Scripta nodded as they began to let go of eachother, she chuckled as Lesso tried to untangle her arms from around her. As the redhead finally made her way to the door the schoolmaster frowned.

Was this the best choice? She didn't want Lesso to experience all the things that she had last time she had the dream, but she also didn't want her meddling or trying to change the course of it. It was already mentally draining as it was.

There was always a chance, though, that she could make it better. No, what is she thinking? Last time she had to watch herself burn the only proper friend she had in this world. She was not going to let that happen again, especially not when they were now official. She had a feeling it would hurt her psyche even more than the last time.

She sighed as the door finally closed behind her lover. Falling asleep was going to be fun, she normally ended up pushed against the deans side as she drifted off. What was she going to do this time?

She couldn't exactly get the same warmth from the feather. She would just have to make do, even if she was making this harder on herself out of fear.

She went through her nightly routine and eventually led herself down on her bed. Her bed? She didn't even use the thing anymore, it was more of a spare bed than anything else. Nevertheless, she led down in the centre staring up at the ceiling dreading the night ahead of her.

When she did eventually stop thinking about her dream she slipped off to sleep.

Her eyes opened to an all too familiar scene, the black and white ball. Endless tables of foos along the sides, masked people dancing, the black roses sat on the table and, of course, the masked woman on the stage.

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