Chapter 24

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Scripta laid there while she folded and unfolded her hands. She couldn't wait to show Lesso the new development in her talent that she had been working on all night. If only she hadn't heard her sneak out of bed this morning. Oh well, she didn't feel like dealing with the princes and their classes anyway.

She was surprised when she heard the door open rather aggressively as the dean came in muttering to herself. "Oh yes, an aching leg obviously means that I am unable to work."

Her cane was thrown onto her sa and she stepped further into the room while tugging off her coat. "Of course I would rather it if my students were running around the school, Clarissa."

Her vest and shirt hit the floor. "I would love to be forced to be in my chambers all day, Clarissa."

She threw her bra to god knows where and went to find her sleepwear. "Yes, Clarissa, I do like having Scripta help me. Of course I would simply love to be looked after all day. It's not like I have work to do, Clarissa."

She sat down on the side of the bed that Leonora had not yet looked at. It was a good thing that Scripta had decided to lie down on her side. "Of course I would love to not be allowed out of my chambers or office. I love feeling like a prisoner, Clarissa."

Her trousers were pulled down and her pyjama bottoms were pulled on. "I do hope that your kindness continues, Clarissa. I do enjoy it, Clarissa."

Scripta chuckled and the dean's head whipped around to face the woman with a flushed face. "Oh, Princey, I didn't realise that you were awake. Could you just..."

The woman chuckled as she turned over to face the flustered redhead. "The last few moments are forgotten. Now, what did Claire do?"

Leonora openly sighed as she pushed herself under the covers. "I went to breakfast earlier, sorry i didn't wake you, you seemed peaceful, and Clarissa, being the incredible fairy godmother that she is, immediately noticed my flatter than normal hair and my limp."

The reader smiled. "I did feel when you left earlier, I was happy to just sit in bed all day."

Lesso gave her a look but carried on. "Yeah, the princess in gold dragged me outside the hall and practically interrogated me until I told her about what happened last night. I'm afraid that you've been assigned as my caregiver by Cinderella's godmother herself."

Scripta suddenly jerked. "Thats were i fucking know her from!"

Lesso tilted her head and frowned with a quirked eyebrow. "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?"

The reader chuckled. "Sorry, um, ever since i saw Clarissa i had this weird feeling like i'd seen her somewhere before. I read quite a bit and apparently the fact that she's a fairy godmother never triggered in my mind that maybe she was Cinderella's."

The dean's eyes widened. When did she realise that Clarissa was the fairy godmother? she always knew that she was a fairy godmother but the one from Cinderella's tale... she can't remember when exactly she became aware of the fact. Had someone told her that wasn't Clarissa? Had it just clicked in her one day?

Scripta took the dean's hand with her own with too large of a grin for Lesso to be comfortable. "What did you do?"

The reader chuckled. "Can you feel how warm I am?"

The redhead chuckled but her head tilted in confusion when she realised what Scripta had done. "You're cold, well, not cold, but not too warm. You're warm but not Scripta warm."

The reader chuckled. "Im a measure of heat now am i?"

Lesso smiled. "I enjoy Scripta warm."

Scripta thinned her lips before letting out a rather unsure laugh. "I, um... thank you? I don't know how to react to that."

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